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By mikeinaz [Ignore] 10,Jul,19 19:00   Pageviews: 156

I got inspired to write the following message to a decent-looking 'straight / bi-curious' guy who wrote straightforwardly in his profile how he'd like to have a first encounter with a guy happen...

Bravo for writing clearly and honestly what you'd like to have happen with a guy.
You can have exactly that: Damn, you're certainly not alone as you see here.. You've likely got more than a couple of neighbors who're silently yearning for the same thing to happen.. But everyone's too frightened to make the first move. So don't wait for the other guy, cuz he's doing the same thing. I wish you good luck, you hot man!


It's just working up the courage to risk shooting a guy a slightly looonger glance in the supermarket, a slight body-brush, casually adjusting –and showing him– your itchy bulge while checking out the steaks or cereal boxes, or or.. AND then staying OPEN to see if you get even a very tentative clue back –maybe it's no more than a pause or a barely perceptible nod– AND having a next step already pre-planned.

Don't scoot away abhorred by what you've just done! If you get a response, trust that what you're seeing is actually happening. If you get a glance back, don't immediately assume that it means he's about to punch your lights out. Because if you've caught him as far off guard as you were "yesterday", he probably has no clue how he "should" look back at you: It may take time for the receiver to realize what he's actually dealing with here –and to gather up his courage. Give it time to settle. Walk away. But do come back and repeat. Not lewdly, no licking your lips like a hooker or crap like that, just risk some eye-contact. Damn, that's potent, scary and exciting! Do let him know you're eyeing his crotch and that you want him to see yours. Just convey that you're open, your dick's hot to go and that you want more "radio contact".
Then, if he has fallen into a sort of "suspended state", make a joke about what you're both doing in this same ridiculous place, etc, etc. The worst case scenario is that the guy gets flattered like hell, but just can't deal and pulls away. Best case is that he catches his balance and picks up the dance with you, jokes back, and WHOA!
Have a definite plan ready for this scenario. Slip him a card. Ask what he's doing afterwards.

Neither of you need to know where this is "supposed" to go, so don't let that stop you. That mystery is actually the thrill. The next step is to just get you both to somewhere that's quiet and unrushed. Like your sofa, his man-cave, an outing somewhere.. so you can both sit with it. If you are both curious, that's reason enough.

Life is too short to carry regrets about chances we passed by. Lost opportunities stick like glue and accumulate over time. As I see it, it's better to think back on a few embarrassing misunderstandings and also some super hot times than to have only a series of "what ifs".

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By #502696 [Ignore] 30,Jul,20 08:16
For years when I was younger, I used to get other guys check me out. Especially when I was in my uniform (police officer). For a long time I never connected with the other guy. When I finally did, it opened a new world to me. Guys are the best cock suckers!
By mikeinaz [Ignore] 31,Jul,20 15:31
Oh yeah, tell em, ferret. Guys don't have to guess at it. They can juar feel exactly what you're feeling.

By #608951 [Ignore] 21,May,20 22:09
damn that that was good .Life is about taking chances you don't know if don't take it.. that moment won't be there again it comes once in a life time ,You might get that chance .But that chance is one in million .
By mikeinaz [Ignore] 30,May,20 20:06
... ... well, except that I think your odds are way better than one in a million. Just remember that none of us are all that unique. If you want something and are willing to reach out and take a chance on sex, then you can bet your bottom dollar that there are plenty of others doing exactly the same.
I think it's more about noticing and being receptive to opportunities when they're right in front of us. If we put more attention on that, we automatically pay more attention to what others are doing, too.

By #615100 [Ignore] 20,Apr,20 18:22
Ich kenne das "Spiel" von dem du sprichst natürlich auch sehr gut, und habe es auch oft gespielt. Was in einer Großstadt mit einen großen schwulen Anteil nicht schwierig war. Gott sei Dank habe ich immer so straight und vor allem vertrauenswürdig gewirkt, das einige Heteros sich getraut haben mit mir zusammen ihre ersten Erfahrungen zu sammeln.
Heutzutage spiele ich das Spiel nicht mehr. Wenn ich unterwegs bin, habe ich ein anderes Ziel vor Augen. Wenn ich dann bemerke, das ein Kerl Interesse zeigt, nehme ich das als Kompliment mit auf den Weg.
Vermutlich ist dieses Spiel aber auch nicht mehr up to date, da die jüngeren Kerle alle auf Datingsites unterwegs sind. Und dort wird sich dann ja ganz direkt ins Gesicht gesagt was man machen will.
By mikeinaz [Ignore] 08,May,20 20:17
..Yes, dating sites are a completely different Spiel altogether. Sadly, I suspect that a lot of that kind of contact never ends in actual physical touch or physical cum or anything else. Often the sexual desire just gets siphoned off in front of digital porn... then, wash, rinse, repeat.
But what do I know? Like you, I'm from another generation.
And maybe "real" physical sex is a dinosaur now anyway... considering..

By onthelose [Ignore] 06,Apr,20 13:26
Thanks for your very helpful and informed opinion about what to do. I will have to put this into action. I have on many occasions made eye contact and got a nod back. I just thought they were being friendly and maybe they were. I am always with my wife so I don't know how I would proceed. But I will try looking at his crotch when I get a look and see what happens. I do anyway serritipously anyway. I often wonder what his cock looks like, what underwear he is wearing, is he smooth or what does his cock taste like or better yet his cum.
By mikeinaz [Ignore] 13,Apr,20 14:43
Thanks for you comment. Critical is what happens AFTER an initial polite exchange of nods. None of us think that fast on our toes, so give the other guy a bit of time before testing him for a second reaction. What he does –or doesn't do– this time will be a more deliberate choice, not just automatic. Supermarkets are great for cruising men because you can both make repeated passes with breaks in between while both guys decide. If you get a second positive reaction, push it a bit and just manage to brush your crotch. Somebody has got to push the envelope or it'll never happen. Be the one to do it.

Wife or no wife, if you're honestly ready to do experiment with a guy, how about slipping him a number to text you if he wants to 'just explore'. Boy Scout's motto: "Be Prepared."

By chubbyloves [Ignore] 10,Jul,19 19:11
There are a few chances that I passed on and regret till this day. Been away from the M2M ways for a while and had to opportunity to have some fun but was too shy to approach the situation. Always a regret. If you want it and the moment is right. Go for it. You will remember it forever. That is better than regretting it forever
By mikeinaz [Ignore] 10,Jul,19 19:32
Thanks for commenting, chubbyloves!
Boy, don't I know it about missed chances for sex due to fear! Those regrets of inaction really do tear us down more than "just trying" ever would have. And when you consider that having a sexual encounter with someone is such a beautiful and human thing to do. It's an exhilarating, intimate conversation, after all. It's not like you're out to do someone harm.

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