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Group of horny men.

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 26,Jul,19 04:31   Pageviews: 108

I joined Gayromeo i while back an first i wasn't really in to the site,profiles of hot men, very nice to look at. Wich i did and some looked at my profile in return and that was it.

One day i was a little bored and i started making some funny remarks on some of the texts they use to discribe them, some send me a haha or LOL back One guy called me a troll and blocked me,wich i found hilarious.

I also started looking at the groups and found a couple of local groups, by wich i mean Belgian,Dutch , and i was interested in groups meeting up
for sexparties gang bangs etc

What i noticed was that all those groupd accepted only guys under 45

As if older guys don't like that sort of things so i decided to make a group for Flemish guys so meetings can happen and there would be no age limit,younger and older all mixed up; And i wondered what would happen.

The same day guys wanted to be part of it, it's been only a few weeks and already 136 members, most of them between 30 and 60, so i was right older guys likethis sort of group and some younger guys like an older man for some fun.

This week an 19 year old applied to the group and i noticed on his profile he didn't want reactions from guys older than 26, so i wrote him a message explaining most in the group were older. He replied by apologizing, he hadn't seen that. I said it was ok we all have our preferences so i was ready to just remove his request, but he started asking questions about the group, so we had a chat and he asked to be part of it anyway as he liked what we wanted to do.

Now i am surprised at the reactions and started inviting groupmembers to join me in sauna visits, find other sauna and places to meet,since not evrybody lives close by. And i am looking for places to have private parties as a lot like that idea too.

I realise a big number will never join in anything, but i can already see a good number asking questions reacting to posts , even had some join in sauna visits, one is even helping to find places for the private parties

I think i had a good idea

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By luvmyboner [Ignore] 03,Aug,19 12:16
Awesome, I wish I lived closer, I would join up and love to meet you at the sauna
By up-for-it [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 06:17
We could have some good fun together

By CreativeOne [Ignore] 01,Aug,19 03:17
Gayromeo site ? Sounded like a cool site to check out...I found others but not the one you're calling it by name . Is it a private site you have to be invited to ? If so feel free to invite me , you've peeked my Intrest . Or private message me if you would rather . Tnx

By yoursayathotmail [Ignore] 26,Jul,19 12:55
Hey that is great. I would be into it. Of course I am a little far away but its a great idea.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 26,Jul,19 18:33
You can be a special guest

By pifad [Ignore] 26,Jul,19 09:09
I’d say you’re onto something good. Enjoy!
By up-for-it [Ignore] 26,Jul,19 18:29
I intend to enjoy it fully !

By up-for-it [Ignore] 26,Jul,19 04:36
While i was writing this a new member applied!

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