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Once again my comment removed and blacklisted by
/member.php?w=559773 this time. There are options for these dills if they wish certain people not to comment, so wish they would use them as save me wasting my time with a nice complement and I can give to someone else. I think Admin needs to reconsider the way points are deducted here as if person doesn't like a male commenting then they need to use the options.Also they should have to provide reason for blacklisting the person. |
So people just need to utilize this area.
I have been a member for 9+ years, I suggested to admin that he add the (WHY?) to the blacklist process and I also suggested that members were charged points to blacklist other members. The fee was a suggestion to curtail the "frivolous" blacklisting of others. I realize that it is difficult to grasp why someone would blacklist you when you were paying them a compliment but it is what it is, let it go.
I had only made one comment to this person. The removed comment refers to another person and being blacklisted also by them. Some people blacklist others with out them even putting a comment.
I have been a member here for a long time and respect everyone, even the one who has attempted to connect with me several times and yet to this day I still politely tell then I am not interested sorry.
Another good way to know about him (if you care) is to check his comments or favourites. Lots of guys say straight but have a pile of favourite cocks!?
In addition, this particular member is a disgusting fat ugly man.
PPS I looked at his comment list I could not see any female comments 🤔
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