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Comment removed & blacklisted again

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By trim1963 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 07:07   Pageviews: 300

Once again my comment removed and blacklisted by

/member.php?w=559773 this time.

There are options for these dills if they wish certain people not to comment, so wish they would use them as save me wasting my time with a nice complement and I can give to someone else.

I think Admin needs to reconsider the way points are deducted here as if person doesn't like a male commenting then they need to use the options.Also they should have to provide reason for blacklisting the person.

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By stgoguy [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 06:44
I think the problem is that it is blacklist or not. We need an option that says something like 'No thanks'. I have been blacklisted because I left a nice comment on a pic that, I guess, the guy didn't want from an old fat guy like myself so he blacklisted me. For me blacklist is something that should be used for something strong, not an 'I don't like you'. I also don't understand, what a guy, who is on a site that has a lot of guys commenting on pics and profiles is getting so uptight about a comment. Don't we have enough negativity.
By trim1963 [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 16:46
In the edit account area there are many options of what you can do, such as who comments and few other selections there.

So people just need to utilize this area.

By #612360 [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 18:05
Blacklisting is ridiculous....people that do it should not be on this site in the first place
By trim1963 [Ignore] 11,Feb,22 16:40
People have a choice as to what they like and controls there to not accept comments for specific people.

By bella! [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 09:02
Hi there. I'm going to share my observation and opinion on this matter. The first thing I noticed is that roydbc indicated that he was interested in women, not men and women. My opinion, a compliment and/or admiration is appreciated no matter if it comes from a man or a woman. You mentioned that "once again your comment was removed", the first time that happened should have been an indication to you that he was "temperamental" and you probably should have updated your notes on him to avoid interacting with or posting on his pictures.

I have been a member for 9+ years, I suggested to admin that he add the (WHY?) to the blacklist process and I also suggested that members were charged points to blacklist other members. The fee was a suggestion to curtail the "frivolous" blacklisting of others. I realize that it is difficult to grasp why someone would blacklist you when you were paying them a compliment but it is what it is, let it go.
By trim1963 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 18:11
Totally agree with you bella it is their choice, there is also a section that others use that state don't except comments from that person be male or female.

I had only made one comment to this person. The removed comment refers to another person and being blacklisted also by them. Some people blacklist others with out them even putting a comment.

I have been a member here for a long time and respect everyone, even the one who has attempted to connect with me several times and yet to this day I still politely tell then I am not interested sorry.
By BearBen_SYD [Ignore] 31,Jul,19 16:05
Hey Trim & Bella. My 2 cents re Points & Blacklisting: I once commented on someone, it's so long ago now.... The site we're enjoying is Show Your Dick & this guy only had an obscure pic of his balls & arse... I politely suggested as it is Show Your Dick, to show his dick . Face it, my complimentary friend, some people are just
By trim1963 [Ignore] 31,Jul,19 17:34
So true mate
By BearBen_SYD [Ignore] 01,Aug,19 00:17
as a wise man once said "I't's hard to soar like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys"
By #551147 [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 18:35
LOL I never heard that one, but love it! May I borrow that?
By #612379 [Ignore] 15,May,20 01:44
I have just cum across this discussion and would like to have input even though its near a year old, (but still happens). I have previously been a paid up member of SYD, I did this to early thought it gave token type power, lol, it did open xtra features..thats all. I have left SYD as well as returning and leaving 3 maybe 4 other times only to sign up again, reason being lack of understanding that in here is an open source world, chuck away the morals invented by society and feel and be free and do what you want but never have. WHEN YOU DO, THIS SECRET WORLD BECOMES PLACE OF COMFORT and the shit about who did or said this or that seems a million miles away and really dont matter.rying to mix in the right way for me was difficult cause the site was beyond thoughts, the thoughts that crossed your mind all these years suddenly are real after all and there are others to hang out with. I recall the early day's and looking back took some things in the wrong content and did not have an understanding of what this sites world is really about, firstly thought it was just another porn type site...WRONG!!! it became apparent it was more a world of unique people, it mattered not what their sexual liking's were so much, it was who they were, the person cums first, sex is a pleasure we all like different ways to be satisfied, something new to those that want to explore should start with the old cliche "open minded" whats new to some is not to all...there is no definition of normal therefore no judgement is applicable to any act of sexual preference., this can be testing if exploring sexual areas you have not dealt with in the past, a post is not an activity..or is an excuse for petty reactions or complaints or blacklisting over comments, if your not up to adult activity or conversation get a note from ya mum and post that so we all know. Fucks me why some are not happy when they get a flattering post from someone whatever their preferences are, be it from whatever genre it is usually a compliment. Those here searching for females only are on the wrong site, a SIO regular should not be penalised for this ignorance. There are intro's that clearly state female/male replies only! in my opinion it would be out of line to not comply to this request. A profile intro that might say straight, but likes male and female does not define a sexual preference and I see this as being ok make comment without boundries. In reality whats is said is usually positive towards the receiver, the sender is doing so out of liking a pic that is on a profile page put there by the owner, any penalty should be directed toward the owner.
By trim1963 [Ignore] 15,May,20 06:54
Well put Rusty

By #574505 [Ignore] 25,Dec,19 22:23
You can comment on my pics anytime
By trim1963 [Ignore] 26,Dec,19 02:32
Thx mate have on a few

By kebmo [Ignore] 04,Aug,19 00:48
Before I make any comment on a strange guy's profile I always check his information to see who he's interested in, men, women or both. I comment based on that information. If he says he's interested in women and he's straight he sure doesn't want to hear from me that I'd love to suck his cock or other such comments. I might say "great photo", "nice cock" or some other mild comment. I would never tell the straight guy what I would like to do with him.
Another good way to know about him (if you care) is to check his comments or favourites. Lots of guys say straight but have a pile of favourite cocks!?
By #551147 [Ignore] 06,Aug,19 18:37
Solid advice Keb!

By #551147 [Ignore] 30,Jul,19 11:01
By the looks of his comment, on his own profile, he's a putz and not worthy of your compliment nor time.
By trim1963 [Ignore] 31,Jul,19 01:50
thx mate

By PITBULL [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 10:40
It's very simple; On your profile just write; NOT INTO MEN. And the same thing for a woman...NOT INTO WOMEN. problem resolved. I would like to have the option to take points from those who blacklisted you.

In addition, this particular member is a disgusting fat ugly man.
By trim1963 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 18:15
It's all good mate, his loss not mine, I jut except people for who they are and respect their choices
By #497946 [Ignore] 30,Jul,19 07:03
I agree with your statement
By #497946 [Ignore] 30,Jul,19 07:18
Ps I don’t think the black and white vid on his profile is him or his wife should theat be up there 🤔
PPS I looked at his comment list I could not see any female comments 🤔

By #514354 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 07:15
He does have a great cock! Its happened to me twice! I want your cock !
By trim1963 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 18:52
And I want yours

By #434610 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 16:08
Ppl on here blacklist for no reason most choose to delete the person just because they can I think
By trim1963 [Ignore] 29,Jul,19 18:12
Never know why with some

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