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A new experience. A sex party !

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 09,Aug,19 19:38   Pageviews: 84

This year is the year i am trying many new things of a sexual matter.

Tonight was my first sex party.

I arrived at the place after an hours drive,the door was open and i was told to go upstairs. I went into a room where some men were sitting, waiting there was a bed a matrass on the floor and some kind of daybed against one of the walls.
I was given a bag to put my clothes in and had the choice of going naked or wear some underwear or some fetish stuff i decided to keep my underwear on and made my way back to the room. I went to sit on the daybed where i could see the whole room, two guys were kissing and playing with eachother a bit one guy was sitting on a chair
soon some other men came in and two of them sat next to me, wh seem to know eachother and soon started kiss and play with eachother, so i started whatching them, soon one them noticed it and looked at me in an inviting way so i joined them, after all that's why i was there!

after a while of kissing and playing with eachother one of them got up and went over to the bed where the two guys were fucking, and i noticed two young guys had taken place on the matress on the floor, i started to kiss the remaining guy on the daybed and soon another guy joined us he seemed to be very excited cause in no time he came, put his clothes back on and left, by that time the bed was full of guys kissing and fucking, three guys on the matress so for a bit i enjoyed whatching what i saw

At that point i noticed the guy who invited me,he was one of the guys getting fucked on the bed and making the most noise. After some time he came over and kissed me,he is a very good kisser and he seem to enjoy me kissing him back so we kept kissing for a while. I was siting and he was bent over so another guy grabbed the chance to start fucking him,wich my kissing guy liked and started kissing me with even more passion and noise

During the evening my kissing guy came back to me a couple of times to kiss while getting fucked by another

In between i started blowing a guy who loved what i did and during the evening he came back to me for blowjobs to get him hard so he could fuck other guys.

Unfortunatly due to hemeroids i couldn't get fucked

It was fun to see and hear so many men in one room, some fifteen men came and went over the evening.

It was a good first time, something i am definitely going to do again!

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By knewbi [Ignore] 19,Aug,19 12:29
Always a fun night or day for that matter. I did one of these a few years back. Myself and 8 other guys. To get things going they had a rule for new guys. The new guy had to suck the cock of each of the guys there. Not just a quickie but something a bit longer. So when I went I spent the better part of an hour sucking guys cocks. 8 of them. Then, all of them had to suck mine the same way. And while this was going down others could do as they pleased. It was a great way to start the new guy as well as get thing moving. Only attended that one party but would love doing more.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 21,Aug,19 01:39
Nice rule, one to remember if we get a little group together of men who attend often we might use that rule.
By knewbi [Ignore] 22,Aug,19 12:45
I thought it was pretty sweet too... And it certainly got the new guy, me, involved right away.

By luvmyboner [Ignore] 18,Aug,19 11:06
Awesome story, it got me so horny. By the time I was finished reading it, my cock was totally slick with precum. Where do I get an invitation to a party like that?
By up-for-it [Ignore] 21,Aug,19 01:38
If you lived closer i would send you one !

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