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Disappointing surprise

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By GloryHoleSukr [Ignore] 22,Sep,19 00:12   Pageviews: 268

i always get disappointed when i see an amazing profile pic, and think "i've GOT to have THAT!!!" then you go to the full profile, and see that they're into a ton of things that are dealbreakers.

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By jizzbits [Ignore] 02,Apr,22 19:25
I totally understand, being on Bateworld I always change up my profile pic to mix things up. Of course I want it to come across as sexy and a bit dirty. But my profile is pretty pedestrian because I feel if someone wants to get to know me they will. Face it guys we are looking at porn or soft porn, what we get is what we get.

By #622057 [Ignore] 06,Mar,21 22:47
Agreed,although everyone has the right to just be and keep loving what ever it is that u do

i agree
By GloryHoleSukr [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 18:35
Yeah, no shaming from me. It's more like, "Oh! Well that was a surprise."

By mountainman2 [Ignore] 12,Jan,20 15:31

By diamund [Ignore] 22,Sep,19 03:25
So true

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