I LOVE tomboys, always have. Thinking back over way too many years now LOL, to all the girlfriends, lovers, my wife, my current much beloved Mona, gal pals etc the one thing almost ALL of them had in common is the fact that virtually ALL of them where Tomboys..
I don't know if I attract them or I'm just attracted to them, maybe it's a little of both?
Don't get me wrong, I love feminine women, very much but I also really really like a girl who's not afraid to get dirty and I don't mean that in a sexual way this time..
I find tomboyish girls to just be more FUN in general. More fun to hang out with, go camping or fishing with or even hunting with...
My gal Mona is a HUGE football fan and just absolutely LOVES the Indy Colts so every Sunday, you'll find the both of us glued to the TV watching the game together, cheering on our Colts...
I've been trying to teach her the finer aspects of baseball, taking her to games, teaching her how to score.. She's starting to get the hang of it and I THINK she's really starting to enjoy baseball... We'll see.. LOL
Mona isn't opposed to getting into the dirt either. Heck this past spring, she volunteered to till the entire garden up herself before we planted the tomatoes.. I had NO problem letting her.. LOL... She did a GREAT job. I helped her a bit but she really didn't need or want the help. I just couldn't let her lift the bags of peat moss and soil so I did that and I supervised... Mainly I watched her cute little butt as she worked that stuff into the soil...
She was SOOO proud of herself when she finished and even more so, after we had planted the tomatoes and THEN after they grew and we actually started to 'pluck' tomatoes she was just in gardening heaven.. (She'd never done that before)
I LOVE Tomboys! How about you folks?
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