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The Dick!

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 04,Oct,19 11:57   Pageviews: 85

Its been a bit since I last wrote about dicks. Cocks, johnsons, wieners, one-eyed monsters... You know..

The Penis! (look down, that thing hanging between your legs! Yeah, that's it..)

Boy do I LOVE them things...

I just LOVE the whole 'mechanics' of the dick as I call it. The way they go from soft, squishy, wrinkly little things to all big, hard and throbbing.. What a TRUE lesson in hydraulics my friends

I just LOVE playing with them. Stroking them, sucking on them and yep, even fucking them... They are just SUCH a useful appendage now aren't they?

I know I've never met a cock I didn't like. Big or small, hard or soft, vieny of smooth, straight or curved, I LOVE em all..

What an absolutely GLORIOUS creation!!!

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By sherryann [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 14:30
You have such a way with words This dick blog should be published, I am sure others' would enjoy reading it as much as I did.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 05,Oct,19 16:21
Awww thank you so much sweetheart! You've truly made my day!! I have LOTS of blog posts you can read.. This was just a short little ode to the penis so to speak...

Thanks again for your oh so kind comment...
By sherryann [Ignore] 06,Oct,19 17:31
Oh you're most welcome. I love reading your writing! You should seriously get published. Can't wait to read all that's here!

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