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My first blog

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By bud_de2001 [Ignore] 08,Dec,19 20:56   Pageviews: 131

Well since this is my first blog I thought I would tell you about some other firsts.
I'll start with the first time I saw an erect cock. I was very young and my parents took me and my brother to the drive in. The drive in always played kid movies first and then the movie my parents were really there to see. When the kid movie was over my dad took me and my brother to the men's room so we wouldn't piss all over the car when we fell asleep. My brother had to poop so my dad took him to the stall and pointed me to the urinal and said go.
As I'm getting my little dick out this teenage guy comes to the urinal next to me. He pulls out this huge purple sausage and starts moaning. My eyes were locked on it and he sees me starting at it. He says to me " hey kid this is what happens when you date a cock teaser" then he starts shaking it really fast.
He lets out this animal like groan and starts peeing white stuff. My eyes are locked on this action when I hear my dad say "come on Bud what's taking so long?" I zip up without peeing and head back to the car with my dad and brother.
I say to my dad "that guy next to me was peeing white?" My dad says to me sternly " you're not supposed to look at other guys when they pee" We walk a few more steps then he says" don't tell your mother what you saw because she will be upset".
Took me a while before I found out what was really going on. I told a friend what I saw and he said "that guy was jerking off and that was his cream". " His girlfriend would not do it for him so he had to do it or he would get blue balls". Well about 10 years later I totally understood what that poor guy was feeling because even though he warned me I dated a cock teaser and took her to that same drive in. I didn't go to the urinal because there was a stall available to release my cream.
Going to see how this blog is received before I blog about some other firsts. Feedback is appreciated!

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By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 14,Jun,20 08:57
Great blog, I will read the next ones you've written

By #570308 [Ignore] 26,Dec,19 07:37
My first was being my very first sexual experience as well. He was an older boy who basically molested at a sleepover. It is in my blog, "The First Time." I believe it is what got me into sucking cock years later....

By pifad [Ignore] 08,Dec,19 23:59
That was great. First experiences are the best

By #360485 [Ignore] 08,Dec,19 22:34
This blog is very exciting. Learning about sex can be an amazing journey. Please post more.

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