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My second blog

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By bud_de2001 [Ignore] 09,Dec,19 14:30   Pageviews: 135

Thanks for the kind comments. I will now blog about the first time a saw a real pussy.
Having two younger sisters it was not uncommon for my mother to bath me, my brother and sisters together to save time. We had a big claw floor tube so there was plenty of room and there was never anything nefarious about this naked time together. Of course I saw that me and my brother had "birdies" and my sisters had " suggies". I was the oldest and by the time I was 6 this routine stopped.
Having 4 children under the age of 6 we kept the local babysitting business thriving in my neighborhood in the early 60's. Most of our sitters didn't last long so my parents were always scrambling to find someone to watch four future juvenile delinquents.
In desperate times my Mom made one of my all time favorite picks. Her name was Rachael but everyone called he Rockie. She was the niece of a friend of my Mom and she was a Tomboy. As an 8 year old I thought she was cute , had very big titties but looked like she could kick a grown man's ass.
She was so sweet to us though. My sister's loved her but me and my brother were frightened of her at first. She got us all to play nice together and was able to get my sisters to bed with none of the crap they gave my Mom. She bribed me and my brother that if we were good she would let us stay up and watch Bonanza which was a giant no no with my Mom.
We were on our best behavior then layed out in front of the TV. Before I knew it Rockie was carrying my brother to bed because he feel asleep. Not me! I'm staying up even though I could feel my eye getting heavy. Rockie got up on the sofa and I was on the floor. She says to me " I just love Little Joe he is such a hunk" . Half asleep I acknowledge her observations and watch as Little Joe is doing some cowboy stuff that shows off his body. His shirt is all sweaty and he did look pretty muscular.
I'm focused on the TV and start to hear some rustling behind
me but my eyes just couldn't stay open. I dozed off and was in a deep sleep. All of a sudden a noise behind me startled me and woke me up. I sit up and turn to the noise. All I can see is Rockie sprawled out on the sofa, her legs spread wide with her feet on the coffee table. Her one hand had her hairy suggie open wide and the other hand was rubbing the very wet pink area between two hairy lips. Her head was back and all she kept saying was "oh yeah Little Joe" over and over. Her legs suddenly clamped together with her hand still moving very rapidly. Her head was back and she just started moaning.
Finally she just stops spazzing and goes limp. I'm thinking she's dead but then I see her start to move. I close my eyes and pretend I'm asleep. I hear her rustling around and then she starts giving me little nudges saying " come on Bud your too big to carry up to your room so let's go up to bed before your parents get home". As she's tucking me in I can smell this strange scent on her hands. A few years later I got a chance to taste something that smelled like Rockie's hand did that night and the memories came flowing back.
I do have another story that involves Rockie but that's for another day

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By #565685 [Ignore] 10,Dec,19 03:49
Fuck that’s a hot story! Please tell us more!
By german_guy [Ignore] 06,Jan,20 12:27
sure is

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