I was invited by a sexbuddie to go to a gaysauna. We hadn't seen eachother for a while and he wanted to introduce me to a friend because he felt like doing a threesome with both of us.
The evening before the day we would meet we had a hot chat, heating eachother up for the next day.
When i arrived at the sauna i knew he was already there and i found him already in action with a couple of guys, we said hello and he got me involved in that group.
After the fun with that group ended, we walked around for a while looking to see who else was there, we did that seperatly, now and then meeting eachother. He was lucky getting a couple of guys to play with, i was less lucky not getting any action.
Then we went for a drink in the bar, he said it was strange his friend hadn't arrived yet and as we were talking in the bar his friend arrived. He introduced us and we talked a liitle in the bar.
At some point he told me he was going with his friend wich meant his friend wasn't in to me They went of and enjoyed eachother and others and totally ignored me.As i wasn't getting any action at all with others i decided to leave and go home
My sexbuddie contacted me in the evening and apologized for what he did. He had fun with a couple of guys after i left.
We have done sauna visits and been to bars before, had fun together and seperatly when there but he never ignored me like he did now.He did say we were going to have fun together even if it didn't work with his friend.
Am i being to sensitive about this? Should i just accept his apology and hope next time will be better again?
P.S We had a long chat since i wrote this he admits to not giving me the attention he normally gives me when we meet and has given some wrong signals. His friend wanted to have some time with him before getting to me, he says he should have said that and not just take of like he did. He understands why i left and we are back to being good buddies.

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