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Sorry If I delete you from friends list, just making room for new guys

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By soulpioneer [Ignore] 06,Mar,20 17:55   Pageviews: 181

Hi all,

I do delete older friends from my list since only 100 can fit on the free member level here, so its nothing 'personal' if you get 'traded' for a newbie,...just keeping a fresh flow with new 'friends', we can still chat, share pics and all that good stuff. I may even do a total wipe out of my friends list and start new! - not sure the pros and cons of that, but just a thought. Not sure about trying out the paid subscription option to expand friends list and other features, will look over that again.


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By #570308 [Ignore] 07,Mar,20 17:31
I recently did that. If I don't hear from someone in a long time, and I need to make room, well just sorry I guess. Nothing personal. I actually found it hard
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 15:27
yep....i look for those I havent spoken to in long time, or we just havent been in contact much, its nothing really personal most of the can still enjoy each others pics and chat still....I think a 'friend' though can watch your videos free, so there are some small 'perks' to being on someones friends list I suppose
By #570308 [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 16:56
I do try to stay in touch. I find others that will drop me from time to time and I don't take it personally. I can only have 100, and Lord knows, I'd have more if I could.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 07,Mar,20 01:27
I should do that cause I'm on the 100 free,but I just can't get rid of anyone. Maybe I should just pay for 500
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 18,Aug,21 15:27
yeah, I dont mind a small fee...but not sure I can afford a recurring payment right now, will have to look at the rates for the paid levels......

By #483979 [Ignore] 07,Mar,20 02:45
I hear ya! I get annoyed with people that want to be a friend immediately, without even saying a single word to me. I regularly clean out those that haven't been online for a while, or kept in touch!
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 07,Mar,20 03:28
Yep, i go thru and just delete those i've not corresponded with in some time, or just not 'connecting' as much, for new blood

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