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In-grown pubes

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By ilovemydick [Ignore] 15,Jul,20 22:20   Pageviews: 96

I love to waxing and plucking, but in-grown always happened! No matter how careful I waxed or plucked. Shaving doesn’t work very well on me, too. My hair colour is black, the roots are still visible after shaving. Laser hair removal is too expensive for me.
What else I can do for the absolute smoothness?

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By #624422 [Ignore] 31,Aug,20 03:35
Do not worry about it! You are attractive and smooth anyway!

By #611458 [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 10:09
Try a genital hair removal cream.

By #588327 [Ignore] 16,Jul,20 05:34
It doesn't have to be perfect smooth in my opinion

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