If you get off watching men JO on here like I do, tell us what makes some JO videos 5 stars and others just 2.
Perhaps someone will take your hints.
Here are my thoughts:
My impulse to click is some obscure cock & body appeal. But after seeing many pumpers do the same trick –click to a tight shot of beautiful equipment spurting a massive load. No longer makes my keepers list.
Similar, but a good step above:
Stationary and tight on the hose.. but with loving touches showing off special details, maybe some wiggling and shaking to let us see how it expands from pocket to operational size, then jerking off with a hand that doesn't block the entire dick and that's slower than a blur.
Going up a notch from there:
Voyeur gets a private discovery. Sees some real hands, maybe a wedding ring or a watch, some body language as he unbuttons, unzips or expands a waistband and body language of pulling, hauling, or flopping out a Johnson. It's a private, shocking flash just for you, pulled off in a dark corner. The exhibitionist likes porn himself and grasps what makes it hot and dirty. How it's executed is a personal fingerprint of the maker, so the voyeur gets the sense of one particular guy who wears a particular style of pants, a fancy or a diver's wristwatch, nails cut short or grease-monkey grimy, so it feels very one-on-one, with a "type" of individual.
Going further still:
I like being a fly on the wall with special permission to witness the quirky little details, the touches and shakes all men do in private with their dicks, their nipples. It's hot to see spontaneous, subtle –not faked– facial (even partial) and leg contortions, hip thrusts, etc. as guys get closer to busting a nut.. at their most private, least-controlled moment.
There's one final element my favorite ones have in common: A situational setup that makes me think, "Oh yeah, I've jacked off in that situation." –or I've fantasized about it.
Here's one of my 5-Stars that hits all my marks:
OK, a guy jerks and squirts, but...
all the lightning-fast cues of a particular place and time make me feel this is so familiar, and like I just popped through the wall and am standing next to this dude in his most private space:
Light streaming into a garage, gardening crap and tools hung on hooks.. Saturday morning, wife's off shopping, he begged off to do yard work. Garden shears, Weed-B-Gone ... gloves.. oh.. whoa.. what's this? a nice chub happening in these sweats... weeds be damned, elastic waistband down, whips out a half-chubbed hose and shakes it up hard as a poker, almost in my face.. Now I'm jacking frantically right there with him ...next to his kid's pink tricycle, ooh, fucking hot... both of us dudes squirting our loads right on that crack in his fuckin garage floor.. big fat, purple head on that.. and mine... oooooOOOH.....
...You should've been there.
Men, in case you haven't yet, do check out quint's super hot photos. You just might lose a load there!
Mike- I would love to hear what you think of my videos on XHamster- if you Google me, shaven_dude, with the under_score, you should be able to locate my profile
Anyway I like the post and should do a proper response like yours to explain a difference between a 2 and a 5 from my POV!
And the doer doesn't have to divulge his identity to give us a hint of what's going on with his face. Just his chin or part of his mouth.. we just instinctively notice all those cues.
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