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Women's sex drive.

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By fish4free [Ignore] 06,Nov,20 04:01   Pageviews: 147

Just a simple question to the ladies of all ages. How is your sex drive? Do you feel less attracted to intercourse as you age ? Please leave a comment.

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By curvy8 [Ignore] 14,Nov,20 04:59
I wish I could hear from the ladies. My gf is 56 and when we are together we do it at least twice a day, and she initiates every time.
By fish4free [Ignore] 29,Mar,21 19:03
That's the answer to my topic. How many other women are like that here. Taking control of the bedroom and demanding sex. Not that they would have to demand it but a simple suggestion works for me. I don't like to be pushy for pussy. But don't want her to think I'm being selfish with my dick. Don't like the feeling if damned if I do or damned if I don't push for sex. Thanks for your response.

By nekekal [Ignore] 06,Nov,20 12:04
Women have a sex drive? Asking for a friend.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 06,Mar,21 18:59
Oh please! Are you even remotely serious about this silly answer! The most asexual woman on the planet can out do you easy I bet!
By nekekal [Ignore] 06,Mar,21 20:32
Your experience is different than mine. That doesn't make me wrong nor deserving of your juvenile response.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 14:25
You are correct all the women that ever played with you may have just been very low in sex drive I guess but if you read the studies from almost everywhere your experience is way wrong about gals and their desire for sex of soe type. Sorry for that sir! This is from a guy that did this type of study for a living so not so juvenile at all!
By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 15:59
I have read those studies.

It is interesting that no women have replied to this.

And for the record most men seem to lie, or live in some fantasy land about their sex drive too. Most guys are not really interested in fucking 24/7.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 20:27
No one wants to f@$^* 24 hours a day sir
Maybe no women HERE are interested in talking with any guy that thinks they do not want to have any sex like you do. Is so why would they be here at all
Why would YOU read THOSE studies at all sir?
Men and women are very much the same in the having sex department. They both want to enjoy it at the time. Men just think about it much more often according all studies ever! Women just do not seem to think about sex as often. Some people believe it is because men must handle their cocks so often just to even pee all day long. Maybe that is why they think about doing it so often
By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 20:53
Ok asshole. Enough of the personal attacks. just because I don't agree with you.

I read a lot.
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 10,Mar,21 13:51
I bet you do read a lot. I just think your comments are so far from true that I had to comment back but this will be the last one. Go read some stuff by real people with some real experience. I would say to talk with some women that do not require to be blown up with air like your head but that would not be nice! Bye guy!!!

By oldgray69 [Ignore] 12,Nov,20 18:36
as long as there is batteries in their vibrator
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 06,Mar,21 18:58
Buy her a plug in one that way the bats never run out! Or save your pennies and buy her a Sybian and that will make her last all night for sure. Lots of experience with one of those!

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