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By Eikenhofman [Ignore] 07,Feb,21 03:28   Pageviews: 72

I have messaged members with a view to chatting or even meeting...but many just do not respond.
Is it a case of a lack of any manners? Or is it just a case in todays day and age? Or is the profile fake when they say "a little bit of everything"

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By Harrym [Ignore] 21,Nov,23 11:17
I always respond, even if it's just a thank you

By metro1000 [Ignore] 07,Feb,21 04:36
I would give them an execuse, they might be in another chat reaching to an orgasm
Or they maybe busy or away. no one knows what happens.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 07,Feb,21 11:44
It's the case of today's and age, my friend. And is going to get worse.
By #544883 [Ignore] 08,Feb,21 19:50
Being busy is one thing but some people forget what they are.
Never hurts to be polite even when just chatting.

By kupreanoff [Ignore] 07,Feb,21 19:45
I tend to check out the page of the person opening a chat to see if our interests are the same . I like to read blogs and check out their favorites . tells me a little about them . more so than a brief biography . I don't post my age but will give it when chatting . It's been a chat killer several times

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