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Giving Tributes

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By metro1000 [Ignore] 07,Feb,21 04:34   Pageviews: 95

It is really strange to feel so excited and horny when someone asks you to place your dick on their photo or to produce a creampie on a printed photo of their gentiles...

it seems utterly thrilling to go through the process of printing the photo, start pumping up your dick to make it hard enough to be worth the photos.

Some people just dont care about this kind of activities, however for me its so exciting. specially if it is given to me.

There are also scammers who will ask you to do and then nothing from their side, no response, no posting in their profile ... just nothing ... so you feel being tricked for something you wanted to make it horny for both parties ...

its amazing when I gave my gf's pussy photos to a couple of guys to show their penis in front of her. you feel pumped and want to orgasm so badly ... saying in your mind another man shared the look of my GF's pussy and he got excited ... that is great feeling

do you guys agree ?

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By willyorange [Ignore] 04,Aug,22 04:14
I love giving tributes too, you can tell in my profile lol. It's disappointing when you get no reaction but then some people just don't have manners lol. For me, even just a "thank you" makes the effort worthwhile. Most of my tributees are awesome though. Only one sucked - she blocked me when I had the temerity to ask if she liked my tribute. Go figure haha
By metro1000 [Ignore] 04,Aug,22 16:20
Thanks for replying and sharing your thoughts

By #609291 [Ignore] 20,May,22 04:02
Hi, can we have a cum tribute vid. We love them. /1pggn9ae7kwapic.html

By #576960 [Ignore] 19,May,22 08:35
Very true. I love the people who tribute my pics and I enjoy tributing theirs. I enjoyed tributing your gf's pussy.

By #574505 [Ignore] 23,Aug,21 16:19
You can tribute me too

By uncut_guy_in_ca [Ignore] 13,Feb,21 23:12
Would be honored if you tribute either me or my wife! Pics on my profile. ;-)

By #636109 [Ignore] 13,Feb,21 22:55
do me!!!!!

By Orwell [Ignore] 11,Feb,21 07:22
Totally agree, I like giving tributes.

By #635402 [Ignore] 08,Feb,21 10:53
would you cum on my face?
By metro1000 [Ignore] 09,Feb,21 22:10
Yes. I would love to do that.
Share me a nice new photo to so that for you dear

By surferharry [Ignore] 07,Feb,21 22:22

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