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Funny thing about pictures

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By kupreanoff [Ignore] 01,Mar,21 17:03   Pageviews: 269

So I notice I get into a few chats with guys who think I'm younger than I really am based solely on pictures of my dick . Once the conversation gets rolling the question of age usually comes up and when I let them know I'm 60 and married it's somewhat comical how quickly a chat can end . Sorry guy's , I'm a 60 year old with the dick of a boy . Funny thing about pictures

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By Markmeato [Ignore] 15,Nov,23 13:00
Cocks dont age! In contrast to their their bearers :-)

By sivad666 [Ignore] 02,Mar,21 02:03
Nothing wrong with boy dicks
By kupreanoff [Ignore] 31,Oct,23 13:21
that's a fact

By joergh [Ignore] 31,Oct,23 13:14
Similar to me

By #526977 [Ignore] 26,Dec,22 12:37
Shaved bodies..boys or girls..always give a younger expectation....60 is still a good sexually active age!!!!!

By #668890 [Ignore] 17,Sep,22 13:30
age is just a number. your dick is soooo dee-licious!

By CircPlay [Ignore] 18,Oct,21 11:11
To me it’s not the age but a guy with foreskin growing up and living in the USA it’s difficult to find similar guys as myself and married to!

By Dave4851 [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 13:12

By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 05,Mar,21 10:18
By Alwaysnude [Ignore] 05,Mar,21 10:19
Ssme here I have a boys dick too
By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 16:02
You even have a young mans body.
By kupreanoff [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 18:18
no doubt . I wouldn't want to go a round with him . in the ring that is

By nekekal [Ignore] 01,Mar,21 20:15
It is true, you have a nice cock. I have found the age discrimination thing. Lots of people don't want to talk to old guys about sex. Or anything else.
By Tempp [Ignore] 02,Mar,21 07:10
That might be because we know how to put a sentence together. Some of these “stream of consciousness” write-ups leave me scratching my head.
By nekekal [Ignore] 02,Mar,21 13:15
True. Spelling and punctuation is important. But mainly no one seems to be thinking older guys should be fucking.
By Tempp [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 06:15
Yes, I think that’s why the local SYD people won’t talk to me. Even the ones 40+.
By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 16:01
That is my assumption. I could send $100 bills to every chat and no one would talk to me twice. It seems to really turn them off to think about fucking an old guy.
By kupreanoff [Ignore] 07,Mar,21 18:16
pretty funny too because someday all guy's will be old guy's

By Justforfun [Ignore] 06,Mar,21 03:18
You have a nice looking cock and body.
I’m 66 & hope my cock looks good for other guys to enjoy 😁

By sivad666 [Ignore] 02,Mar,21 02:12
I'll chat to you, I think you have a great lookin dick

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