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By #upnorth6969 [Ignore] 09,Mar,21 23:19   Pageviews: 113

Bi guy here who has a foot fetish, love sucking boy toes, any one else?

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By boy4dad [Ignore] 19,Jul,21 08:59
God yes Dad I'd love you to suck and play with my toes and feet

By mikeinaz [Ignore] 10,Mar,21 14:15
Hey upnorth.. I don't have a foot fetish, but it seem to be very very common. I wish someone (like you) who has this fetish would take time to blog and perhaps give the rest of us a clue as to where you think this might start.. or started with you perhaps..
By #upnorth6969 [Ignore] 25,Apr,21 21:34
Hi Mike, The first time I realized I liked feet was when my buddy and I were Jacking off laying back naked in his bed. We were side by side playing with our cocks and I was stroking his feet and toes with my toes and it felt to so good, I could tell he was enjoying it too because he started playing footsie with me. We laid there playing with our cocks and rubbing each others toes, when I reached over and slid my fingers over his smooth belly to the base of his dick. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and slowly started stroking his cock. I continued jacking his beautiful dick and r
stroking his toes until he tensed his body and his cum exploded from cock.

By #598514 [Ignore] 20,Mar,21 12:53
not the toes but I'd love to suck the hell outta that juicy dick

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