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Summer walks

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By thebeewolf [Ignore] 27,Mar,21 15:52   Pageviews: 82

So there's a guy who lives five blocks from me. I've been to his place maybe 5-6 times in the few years prior to the pandemic. I lost touch with him for a while, but now we're messaging again. Talking about when it would be cool for me to come over. Neither of us is vaccinated, but we've both had the virus already. Maybe once we have shots, it'll be cool to visit again.

Basically it worked like this. I'd get up on a Saturday morning and look at porn while I drank my coffee. I'd send some messages, see who's around. He would answer. We'd message for a bit and then I'd go take a shower in preparation for my adventure.

I'd get dressed and walk out the door. It would be summer and the weather is warm so I would be wearing a t-shirt and some running shorts. Not much. As I walked I'd be thinking about the pleasures that awaited me.

When I got to his house I'd slip in the front door without knocking. He'd be sitting there on his couch, dressed in women's lingerie. Sometimes he even had a long wig on. I never asked him to, but he always has straight porn playing on his TV when I arrive.

I kick off my shorts and walk over to him. He would take my limp dick in his mouth and suck. I would be hard as a rock in about 30 seconds. Then he'd suck and slurp and let me fuck his mouth. Usually I blow my load right into his mouth. Occasionally I've given him a facial. Sometimes I pull out and put the first squirt on his face and then shove it back in for him to drink down the rest.

Anyway,, I'm looking forward to nice summer walks again soon.

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By onthelose [Ignore] 11,May,21 18:51
I have since been in contact with a good friend who is a nurse practitioner. She said there are some other virus's out there and you need to get the shot for that reason. I am sorry that they got that sick. I only can go by what people I know who had covid told me. Some people must be stronger then others.

By onthelose [Ignore] 31,Mar,21 23:30
Why did you get the shot after you had COVID? Aren’t you immune after getting over COVID? A couple of people say that even if you get the shots you can still get COVID. What’s the whole point of getting shot if it doesn’t prevent you from getting affected. I am sure flu shots prevent you from getting the current strain of flu, so what’s the difference? I am sure some one who are medical techs can tell me.
By thebeewolf [Ignore] 10,Apr,21 11:21
It doesn't matter if you've had it before or not. You're still supposed to get vaccinated. Yes, there's a small chance you could still be infected after, but it's 100% effective at preventing serious illness and death.

Just get it.

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 27,Mar,21 23:50
Yeah how did you loose contact with someone who obviously enjoyed and worshipped your cock like a great cocksucker should. Reading that story I was wishing that I was him
By thebeewolf [Ignore] 07,Apr,21 18:55
Well, he's not the only hungry sperm-addicted cock whore I know in this town. I gotta feed the others now and then. Maybe you'd like a turn too?

By #535695 [Ignore] 28,Mar,21 06:39

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