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Jerking a sleeping man

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 17,Apr,21 14:23   Pageviews: 121

I am a single man living alone and enjoying it !

I have some friends with benefits who are single or living with partners. One of my friends with a partner sometimes comes over in the morning, very early. i leave my backdoor open and he comes in and crawls into bed with me.

Mostly that wakes me up and we then do whatever we feel like, in the winter i warm him up, we cuddle and have sex or fall asleep.....

Last time he fell a sleep and i couldn't get back to sleep, so i decided to start playng with his dick.For a long time it didn't get hard as he was sleeping, it only got hard as he was waking up.

I just loved playing with his soft cock and then him slowly getting harder, and he loved waking up with me playing with his cock !

Just one of those mornings !

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By #688320 [Ignore] 31,Dec,23 21:34
About six months ago I was with my fuck buddy having naked fun. As the night wore we decided to take a break and rest for a bit. Next thing I know I'm waking up to him sucking my dick. First time that happened. It was the best blowjob I had in a while.

By #463848 [Ignore] 20,Jul,21 07:48
Just the sort of thing that I would like; even if the sleep bit is pretending (as in many of the videos that show this activity).
By up-for-it [Ignore] 20,Jul,21 13:17
He wasn't pretending to sleep, he was even snoring Don't tell him i said so!

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