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The pubic hair

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By Bradm [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 15:40   Pageviews: 118

Quite a definite lead for the bush to go in this poll. Vote or comment to let me know what I should do! httpss://

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By #677384 [Ignore] 27,Jun,23 19:16
smooth feels amazing...PM me and I will share bro

By Justforfun [Ignore] 07,Jan,23 03:48
I’m really torn between the two, I’m completely shaved at the moment.
Was fully hairy until recently, now I’m older most of my pubes are Grey/White
Not very sexy. I guess keeping things trimmed is the way to go.

Would like to see you shaved so I can decide what’s best 😁

By #668890 [Ignore] 04,Jan,23 16:20
LOVE it smooth

By #642787 [Ignore] 03,Jun,21 21:55
Yes keep the pubes...ive had mine for ever just a tidy up now and again is all you need. My ex was the same until she started having an affair with a younger guy ..her hairs were suddenly gone!! Be warned guys if this happens to you she may be up to something.

By pifad [Ignore] 23,Apr,21 11:07
Keep the bush.

By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 17:33
personally I like a man with pubic hair.

By HotFuckerBoy [Ignore] 20,Apr,21 16:25
Pubic hair is always a bonus, keep it

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