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The positive or the negative post. Wich one to you go for?

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 24,Jul,21 12:57   Pageviews: 36

The title of a blogpost says a lot about the content.It should cause that's what draws others in.

Some shout negativity and hate,putting people down

Others are positive, about a good experience, a personal story

Some are made up, just to entertain you

If you are a fan of blogs here, wich do you go for, wich one do you keep looking out for?

I go for the positve ones and sometimes if they are written good for the made up ones.

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By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,21 13:22
I'm drawn to anything that is interestingly titled. I'm not a fan of blogs, whether fact or fiction, that involve in/cest, I'm not a fan of the "What do you think of my..." OR the "Rate my..." blogs. Some of the blogs that bitch about another member can be funny but are often repetitive. Again, I'm drawn to anything that has an interesting title.
By up-for-it [Ignore] 24,Jul,21 14:13
I guess my title was interesting then ?
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,21 15:06
Yep, it was interesting to me. I hope other members weigh in on what they like to read about.
By bella! [Ignore] 24,Jul,21 15:14
Actually, your title was interesting enough for me to tdad AND comment on.

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