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Men who like the stink of other men

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By Hairyfuckhole [Ignore] 17,Sep,21 16:15   Pageviews: 105

During lockdown, like lots of people, I showered less than usual because I figured “what’s the point?” I noticed that I had a distinct scent - and I really liked it. A combination of sweat, stale piss, stale cum and a general “masculine” odour. The more I noticed it, the less I showered - I started to get turned on just by my own stink and I wanked a LOT, smelling my own body odour and the stink of my dick.

It sparked a fantasy for me and I wonder if anyone else shares it. I’d love to share a house with several other men and in our house, showering is something that only happens maybe once a month. Deodorant is never used and we all walk around naked as much as possible. Body hair is completely unshaven and untrimmed - every man allows his body hair to grow entirely naturally. The idea of having other men around, sharing their stink makes me so hard.

In my fantasy house, it’s normal to smell each other’s pits and dicks. We also hold each other’s dicks when we piss - sharing a toilet bowl is positively encouraged. I’d love to share that kind of raw, male space where all the normal worries about sweaty armpits and unclean dicks are swept away. Instead, that kind of intensely masculine odour is encouraged and enjoyed by all of us.

I’d enjoy waking up in a shared bed with other men sniffing my crotch and my pits and in turn, I’d enjoy the chance to push my face into another man’s hairy pits before we all go together and share our morning piss, each holding another man’s cock.

I don’t know if it’s just me but… it’s my idea of absolute heaven.

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By pornlover59 [Ignore] 30,Dec,21 06:07
I am into the same natural musky sweaty odors and love not showering!I've not used deoderant in years and have seldom used it at all
By #614715 [Ignore] 19,Feb,22 00:20

By furluvr [Ignore] 17,Sep,21 16:57
Trust me, my friend, you are definitely not alone. I have gone on motorcycle runs to the middle of nowhere. Five days and nights, no meaningful hygiene, lots of pissing and sucking and fucking.

Nearly thirty years ago, I had a skin irritation in my armpits, such that I couldn't use deodorant or antiperspirant at all. I realized how much I loved how my pits smelled at the end of the day. Even after the irritation cleared up, I gave up on commercial deodorant products and just went natural. I still shower regularly, and if necessary a bit of rubbing alcohol kills the stale bacteria that thrive on dead skin cells and are the root of bad body odor. All that's left is that nice musky smell.

Lots of guys I've been with are the same way. Part of sex is consistently burying our faces in each others' armpits. Sometimes that's all there is!

I also know of several instances of households like the one of your dreams; perhaps a bit more restrained, but definitely guys being guys and helping each other out in groups of three or more.

It is DEFINITELY not just you!
By #614715 [Ignore] 13,Feb,22 19:53
1000% in compliance ... Call them pheromones .
By furluvr [Ignore] 13,Feb,22 23:23
Yep, that's exactly what they are. Americans are so uptight!
By #614715 [Ignore] 14,Feb,22 03:47
I am kind of an old school gentleman myself, but I agree...Low testosterone, fluoride and Saturn programming. We are in a real pickle. A toast to MEN.

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