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The best dream ever

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By Darthshame [Ignore] 17,Oct,21 08:37   Pageviews: 43

I had the absolute greatest dream the other night. Have to share it. I hope you enjoy the fantasy as much as I did.
I was a teenager again right? I think close to 16. So I'm over my friend's house. Now in reality we moved away from his neighborhood when I was 13, but in my dream we stayed. Anyway, for some reason him, his parents, and I were in the kitchen making cookies. I have no idea why. They use to take me with them and I basically lived at that house. I stayed the night hella times.
So his mom says, shoot, were outta something. So his dad is like, okay, I'll run and grab some. Come on Sam. That was my friend. So the three of us guys start to get ready to go. But she like, oh no. You're not all running off and leaving me here. Sam you stay with me. Then his dad is like, he needs to start learning this stuff. So to break the tension in like, I'll stay and help. I don't mind.
So they leave and she does a couple things then is like, actually, I think that's all we can do until they get back. So I sit down at the kitchen table. So she washes her hands and walks over. You want to play a game? I'm thinking she means the nes and wants me out the kitchen. So I say sure. I know one we can play together, and she sits down next to me. You play Nintendo i ask.
She smiles and says no. Then she puts her hand on my dick. I freeze because I don't know what to do. I was still a virgin but I didn't want her to stop. So I just sit there. Anyway, I get hard really fast. Never been touched before. She's like, do you like this game. I barely get out a yes mamme. So she smiles and unzips my pants. Then pulls them down. I'm sitting there with a throbbing boner. She struggles with her skirt a little and then her panties fall down. She straddles. I almost blow as her skirt brushes my head. Then she sits in my lap and I go in. My eyes almost pop out my head as I look at her because it feels so good.
She starts bouncing and I know I'm about to lose it fast. I think something is about to happen. It's okay, she says calmly. After Sam was born Harry didn't want anymore kids and I had a thing put in. I can't get pregnant. Can i touch then as I look at her breast. She giggled and said go ahead. As soon as I grabbed them with both hands I blew. It all happened hella fast though. Mmmm a she leaned back taking it in.
Harry works a lot and doesn't have time or energy for me anymore. I haven't had a man come in me in awhile. She stood up, grabbed her panties, said thank you and went to the restroom. I scrambled to get my pants up trying to piece together what happened.
Skipping ahead they came back and we finished the cookies like nothing ever happened. As I was leaving to go home I shouted back in the door to Sam real quick. We should plan something for Saturday. He was busy so he didn't hear me. I was going ty shout again but his mom interrupted me. Harry and Sam are going fishing Saturday. She was waking me out so she could lock the door behind me. Oh, I said a little disappointed. She touched my cheek real fast in that motherly way to cheer people up. You can still come over, we'll work on you lasting longer. At that I took off running home. When I got home I took a shower. Oddly enough my junk smelt like coco butter. Not sure how she did that.
That was on a Tuesday. Saturday role around and like every Saturday I went to Sam's house and knocked on the door. His mom answered. Can Sam play? She smiled, come in. I went to the living room. Sam, where you at? Harry and Sam went fishing, remember? I had blocked everything about that night out my mind. Was still processing it I guess. It all came rushing back though.
Have you ever seen a naked woman? His mom asked. I accidently found one of my uncle's skin mags once. And there was a post card in San Francisco that had a lady with big ones topless. That's it? Yeah. She was wearing the most oversized 90s sweater. She reached under and fiddled a bit before producing her bra. Then she held it out and dropped it to the ground. So you've never seen how breast move and wobble? Before I could answer she pulled the sweater up revealing her perfect mommy breast. Little saggy, but still plump and big. She shook them back and forth. The way they moved i just couldn't help myself. I grew up poor and my pants would sometimes be too tight. So my instant bulge was super noticeable. Oh you poor dear. She put her shirt down and unzipped my pants. She also removed my shoes as she helped me out of them. So there i stood in my socks, t-shirt, and tighty whiteies. My head visibly poking out the top, like it was peeking around. That looks uncomfortable too, she said as she reached her hand through the pocket. She struggles with my dick puking it through. Just feeling her hand on it was almost enough to get me. Oow. She said. It's so hard so fast. We both watched it bobbing with each heartbeat. She reached up and gave it a quick couple of squeezes. I gasped and with a quick look up at my eyes she realized that might have been too much too fast. Oh. Not in my carpet. I frantically looked around for somewhere to safely aim. She grabbed it at the base then put her mouth on it. I couldn't help but moan as I felt her lips and ejaculated into her mouth. She sucked every drop i had. And kept her mouth there until it was done. After it was over I quickly tucked it in my underwear again so it didn't drip. Standing back up she put a hand on my shoulder. Don't worry, that's what we're going to work on. Go get you a glass of milk. So I did.
When I came back in the living room I stopped in my tracks. She was sitting on the couch with her sweater off in just her grey sweats tits out. I could feel myself slowly starting to grow again. She smiled as she noticed. There we go. What you lack in endurance you make up for in stamina. I covered it with my free hand. No no, that's why you're hear. Go ahead and just take those off now. So I dropped my underwear. Sit down and she pointed to a chair. So I did. She stood up and dropped her sweats. She stood there confident in ask her mom bod glory. Perfect breast, little bit of a belly pouch no doubt sure to Sam, wide hips, thick thighs, just absolutely hot. She strutted over and sat on me as she did before. This time she didn't bounce though. She leaned forward against me and softly said just get use to the way it feels. I closed my eyes and tried to hold on. She felt so amassing though I was about to lose my shit and she knew. Shhhhhh. Hold on. I bit my shirt collar struggling to keep in together. Oh. I think you just grew inside me. The sensation was so overwhelming. Huh, she gasped, it did again. I couldn't hold on anymore. I just came again. Mmmmmm, she said as she sat there. Okay. That felt good. I didn't realize how hard you could get. You don't go soft right away either. You're still kinda hard inside me. I think I can work with this. I already came mamme. I know, she smiled. We're building you up. I breathed really heavy for a few moments. As it called she said okay. Here we go. I had shrunk a little, but was still inside and semi hard. She started bouncing. Ahhh! It's super sensitive. I tried to inform her. Shhh, it's okay. It will pass. I couldn't help but squirm with each slow bounce. It was too much. I bit my lip trying not to scream. Then I caught a glimpse of her tits bouncing in my face. It started to pass and I could feel myself getting hard again. She felt it too. Smiling now she said, there we go. See?
I started to moan. It felt so good growing inside her. She increased the pace. Faster and faster. I could tell she was losing herself too. She closed her eyes and leaned her head back. Her breast slapping my face on each bounce. Oh. Oh. Oh OH OH OOOH. AH! YES! OH. I'm about too...... she bit her lip. Then I felt it. She pulsed in the inside. I instantly came again with her. Both of us moaning in pleasure. My arms shook uncontrollably. Oh my gawd she said. I haven't came like that in so long. She stood up and all our fluids poured out on me. She quickly grabbed a towel and wiped me, then herself.
Okay, I think we both need a few minutes now. We're going to do it again, I asked. Yep, but not right away. Drink your milk and here. She handed me a cookie. She was a baker so she always had things lying around. I took my time drinking the milk and eating the cookie hoping to stall. Maturating alone I'd never came so many times so fast. She put the TV on, then dressed in her sweater again. I finished my milk and was fully soft now. Only a inch when I'm not aroused. I just sat there, still taking in everything that had happened. I didn't know what to expect when I arrived. I think my subconscious dragged me here. I looked around at the kitchen and living room. Remembering all the times I'd played with GI Joe's, micro machines, and the Nintendo in these rooms. Now I'd done something completely adult. I don't know how long I say there. Close to half an hour because she finished her show. I had even started watching.
As the credits rolled i returned to my thoughts looking around the room. Then I noticed her hand gently running along her thigh. It was soooo sexy. I had hit that. Then I noticed I was getting hard again. She looked over and noticed it too. Turning off the TV she smiled. With one finger she motioned me to follow her down the hall. I did. With anticipation each step i grew a little more. She went into her bedroom. I'd only been in there a few times before. Never more then a few seconds.
Alright, time for a new position. Have you ever seen dogs humping? I nodded. That's what we're going to do now. I was still tender and a little sore. She licked me from the base to the head a couple times to get me fully aroused. There we go. I looked down. It was huge, I've never been this big before I told her. That cookie had a family secret. She winked. Gets you at your best.
She climbed onto the bed ass up. Okay, slide it in. I stepped up and tried to get it in. It hurt, she was too tight. Hold on, she stopped me. I stepped back and saw her hand come out between her legs. She played with pussy a bit, then wave me closer. With the hand she guided me in. When I say bigger, I want much longer then usual, just more engorged. Thicker.
It still kinda hurt, but inch by inch i was able to wiggle myself in. Locked together i just stood there. My dick was kinda numb from coming so much already. Then she said back to me, go ahead. Go ahead and what. Fuck me. Like the way dogs hump, remember? Okay, and I started to push more. Slowly, she said as I pulled back. Like a locomotive train I slowly started pumping like a piston. It hurt and felt good at the same time. As she got wet the pain went back to the numbness. I could still feel the pleasure, but it was numbed as well. Still, it pushed me on to keep going. I built up speed faster and faster. Yes, that's it. Keep going, she said back to me. I built speed until i slapping audibly against her. Like a clapping applause that spurred me on. Don't stop, she screamed. Ye-eee-eee-es. Ohh. Oh. Then I felt it again. Her inside quivered as I continued pumping. Her fluids poured out as I pumped while she came. I slowed down to let her catch he breath. Don't stop, just don't stop. So back to full speed I went. The pain long gone I could feel the pleasure building inside me. I was like an animal. No longer in control. She wanted more and i was going to give it to her.
Then I felt it again. She reached another climax. Ahhh, I exclaimed. I couldn't hold it this time. We came together as I pumped as hard as I had the energy left to. Then I clasped next to her on the bed. Wow. I said starring at the ceiling. She collapsed over as well. My body went into convulsions of pleasure as I laid there. She reached over and brushes my cheek. We'll have to do that again some time. I nodded. We better get up before Harry and Sam get back. We sat up on the edge of the bed and there they were standing in the doorway.
That's where I woke up in shock.

New Comment

By #515975 [Ignore] 04,Dec,21 18:24
Very hot dream! Sounds like it would have been great if it had of been for real!
By Darthshame [Ignore] 25,Aug,22 21:22
I wish.

By #515975 [Ignore] 18,Jan,22 17:55
I used to work at these apartments in Denver Colorado. I was looking for the other maintenance man. I heard he might be at this one apartment. I went over and knocked on the door and the door cracks open and he sees it me and he was like all relieved. He said he thought it was his wife at the door! I could tell he was trying to get his pants put back on and get out of there. Shit have to come back wife got home.

By onthelose [Ignore] 22,Oct,21 01:22
Good story

By #648692 [Ignore] 19,Oct,21 10:41
Awesome! I remember when I fantasized about my friend's moms.

By tb1 [Ignore] 17,Oct,21 14:31
Good fantasy

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