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Rimming; a total joy !

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 21,Nov,21 03:58   Pageviews: 60

It sure is a total joy for me; burying my face between his ass cheeks and letting my tongue hit the right spot so the man makes those primal sounds in ecstasy.

I prefer him lying on his stomach and his balls and dick visible underneath him so i can include them in the fun too.

But the main focus is on that little sensitive star and it's beautifull surroundings.One of my favorite places to be.

I also love to be on the receiving end of a rimming session so for me a real total joy bringing me in total ecstasy.

So if you ever meet me, you now what to do to be on my good side !

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By #574505 [Ignore] 13,Feb,22 12:08
I was rim by a 40 year man when I was 15 in was wonderful
By up-for-it [Ignore] 14,Feb,22 15:28
I'm sure you both enjoyed that !

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