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By thermal [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 06:59   Pageviews: 359

When i've had the opportunity to share a wank with other guys on skype, i've been fascinated by the the different techniques used. Some guys loosely stroke their entire shaft, whether cut or uncut, whilst other guys stroke their glans only or grip their shaft below the glans and move their hand up and down without touching the glans. Personally, I like to grip my shaft really hard below the glans with my thumb over the glans and then move my foreskin up and down over the glans. I also enjoy using several different grips each session and changing hands frequently.

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By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 22,Feb,25 13:14
I've always found that no one can do it better than me...Kinda makes sense when you think about how many years I've had to practice.

I like to curl my whole hand around the underside of my cock. Having my thumb down there too means it can rub against my frenulum. I'm fortunate that my cock shaft is long enough that there's room for me to get a full grip. I love jerking off.
By thermal [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 06:49
Thanks for your comment. That's a great looking cock you have and I agree, no-one can wank your cock like you do as you know exactly how you want it to feel! The underhand grip is really exciting and something I use regularly. Also I really enjoy the reverse grip. I would normally change grips regularly and use 3/4 different grips in each session.

By JackinKing [Ignore] 29,Jun,24 18:08
I once allowed myself to be tied to a chair, blindfold, and jacked by a total stranger. Yes pretty risky but it was the hottest hand job ever! And that’s says a lot from a jackaholic like me.

By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 11:10
Let's broaden it out guys. Have you been wanked by someone else, male or female. How did it feel against wanking yourself. Did you come faster or slower than self wanking?
By #628350 [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 14:52
I have been wanked by both and i came quicker than when doing it to myself. I prefer a woman but they can sometimes be a bit rough if they're getting to a climax at the same time and drag the foreskin back too far so it hurts. A man seems to have an instinct for giving a good wank as he knows himself what can be painful and what not. Either is more satisfying that a solo job for me at least. You can also see that I am not big into pain.
By thermal [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 11:41
Great comment. I love masturbating myself as I know exactly what I want to do, but at the same time, I just adore being tossed off by my wife and watching her hand at work. She likes to watch me wanking, as she say she likes to see the master at work!
By #662360 [Ignore] 26,Feb,22 15:27
I’ve been wanked by boys in the past, more recently and more frequently by my wife. I lay back with my cock arching over my belly. My wife kneels beside me placed so I can fondle her thighs, ass and pussy and watch her tits swing with the rhythm of her hand. She likes to lube me then gives my cock a good hard stroking off with her full fist. When she wanks me it I take much longer to cum than when I masturbate myself.
By thermal [Ignore] 27,Feb,22 09:55
I can appreciae what you say. Athough i've never been wanked by a guy, my wife does a really wonderful combined wank/suck. If I suck her off without penetration and she then wanks or sucks me, she also kneels by my side and I can then get two fingers deep in her cunt which I find tremendously exciting and stroke inside her while she tosses and or sucks me.
By #662360 [Ignore] 12,May,22 03:04
The experience of being wanked by a boy is different to being wanked by a girl. With a girl the big excitement is having her naked body to run your hands over. But a girl doesn’t know what a boy feels like being wanked so doesn’t really know what is best. A boy has lots of wanking experience and knows best what another boy likes, how to lightly touch his cock and balls etc. Also I find being poked by the other boy’s cock and watching it bob with the rhythm of his hand very erotic.
By Wantboth [Ignore] 12,Dec,22 12:49
I learned sex from an older brother at an early age, having someone jack off my cock is so thrilling, he could make it last for a long time, and he could hold back cumming. Both sides of that play are great, I loved jacking his cock, feeling him cum
By Frenum [Ignore] 13,Jul,23 01:11
When I've been wanked off it's always better done by a guy, I have one friend who after me making a mess of his bed keep stroking me fast and I lift my arse two feet in the air trying to escape the insane pleasure he just laughs as he grabs a towel.

By #688601 [Ignore] 26,Mar,23 02:54
I stroke my cock daily in all different positions.rhe best feeling for ms is when I put my elbows Insids my knees mainly to stretch and self suck and sometimes blow my load in my face if I edged for awhile.mist the time it squirts all over my chest.sometimes I press on my ass for added feelinf

By #672778 [Ignore] 28,Jun,22 14:27
Wanking is my entire sex life so I love doing it and as often as possible. Chronic masturbator really. I usually wank rubbing the shaft just under the glans with my foreskin in place, but if I've got some slippery lotion or lube I will pull back the skin and have an intense wank. This usually makes me cum much faster so it's more difficult to edge. Other men I've wanked have all had little quirks or asked for their cocks stimulated, the oddest (for me) was to pull back the loose foreskin really hard. I thought it must hurt but he absolutely loved it!).

By #648825 [Ignore] 12,Mar,22 19:52
I love a nice firm grip around the shaft, using my saliva as lubricant. A slow stroke feels so heavenly...

Every now and then, I like stimulating the head like this. Mmmmm...

By thermal [Ignore] 13,Mar,22 13:42
I agree, that's a superb technique, especially when you have a great looking cock such as yours.

By SandyB [Ignore] 12,Mar,22 10:05
My mouth is much better than wanking. You should get together more and not waste delicious cum.

By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 03:52
I have noticed over the years that if I hold my cock almost vertically against my belly as I wank, I come off faster - anyone else found that?
By nekekal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 11:03
No. My cock never wants to do that normally so for me perpendicular to my body seem to be what I want. I have tried horizontal down between my legs and it was good but my cock is too long or my arms are too short for good masturbafion.
By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 11:05
Interesting nekekal, I can understand what you say about your arms, what a wonderful long cock you have.
By nekekal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 11:10
Fun to play with. It has brought me hours of pure joy. My favorite toy.
By #662360 [Ignore] 26,Feb,22 15:31
Position can be important. I like to masturbate standing. I like the heavy feel of my cock sticking out. Also I think when standing gravity helps the blood to accumulate in the penis. I get a much stronger orgasm wanking or being hand jobbed standing.
By thermal [Ignore] 27,Feb,22 09:51
I enjoy wanking standing, although I find that kneeling and then leaning back on my heels gives me a better erction, keeps my erection longer and also, I get a great view of my tool as I stroke it.
By #662360 [Ignore] 28,Feb,22 09:09
I wank kneeling too. Spreading my legs kneeling pulls my muscle tight. Also if I’m wanking with someone it makes it easy for them to slide their hand under me from behind and tease my inner thighs, arse and balls.
By thermal [Ignore] 28,Feb,22 09:47
I like the sound of that. My wife has many, many times wanked me from behind, stretching her right hand around to hold me. I find it very exciting watching her hand tossing me whereas normally, looking down it's my hand on my cock.
By #662360 [Ignore] 04,Mar,22 04:41
My wife wanks me too. Our usual position is for me to lay on my back with my erect cock up. She kneels beside me with her breasts swinging above me, and her thighs and bottom perfectly placed for my hand. With her legs spread I can also play with her pussy. She strokes me off so I cum over my belly. Sometimes she hand jobs me in 69 position with her thighs astride my face.

By #662360 [Ignore] 26,Feb,22 15:24
I’m cut so when I masturbate or get hand jobbed I like a hand wrapped round my shaft just stroking my shaft up and down. I like it when the hand slides right up over my cock head and catches the base ridge of my mushroom head. I always the same hand to masturbate but sometimes use my whole fist sometimes just my thumb and forefinger in a ring round my shaft. I’ve hand jobbed cut and uncut guys and I’ve never had any problem being hand jobbed by a boy or girl.
By thermal [Ignore] 27,Feb,22 09:56
Very exciting description.

By #120268 [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 16:43
wanna wank over skype with me sometimes?
By thermal [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 02:20
I would love to, but i am afraid I don't get any private time to skype.
By #120268 [Ignore] 26,Feb,22 11:37

By #81191 [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 12:43
Just thinking the other day that most wank with three fingers that I suppose is the simulation close to that which a vagina throbs when you are thrusting.
By thermal [Ignore] 25,Feb,22 09:58
Myself I prefer a full hand grip which more closely resembles the grip of my wife's cunt.

By CircPlay [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 18:10
I get a good grip on my foreskin and then stroke and shake it frantically like a shake weight
By thermal [Ignore] 24,Feb,22 02:19
Would love to watch that!

By tb1 [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 09:06
You are a prime masturbator buddy
By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 02:34
I intend to keep practising until I get it right!
By tb1 [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 03:55

By nekekal [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 16:47
I grab my cock about in the middle quite firmly. I then slide the skin up and down so my little finger is against my body on the down stroke and on the up stroke my thumb and index finger just covers and compresses the rim of my cock head.

Sometimes I use my left hand loosely on my cock head using the precum as a lubricant in conjunction with my right hand pumping the shaft.
By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 03:51
Sounds an interesting technique, would love to see a video of that.

By #275407 [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 18:37
Not to change the subject much, but I've read that guys can message their prostate and have an orgasm up to ten times greater then if they just rub their penis. Is that true. Has anyone really tried to do that and does it really work. I was asking because b4 I go digging for gold in my anislol, I want to know if it really works.
By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 03:50
I have read that myself, but as i've had prostate surgery and most of mine is missing, it wouldn't do a lot of good me trying it. If you do try it let me know if it works!

By cockforcock [Ignore] 21,Feb,22 10:00
i love using the whole shaft and forskin. nothing like a wet foreskin gliding over the glans
By thermal [Ignore] 22,Feb,22 02:35
Oh! how right you are.

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