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My Love for Mens Asses and Rimming them.

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By up-for-it [Ignore] 20,Mar,22 05:16   Pageviews: 68

Of all the beautiful and sexy bodyparts of men i love the ass the most.

Seeing a man's ass in an erotic movie was in fact the first time i realised i was attrackted to men in a sexual way.
A woman was playing with a man's ass, kneeding it like it was bread dough, and i thought; i wanna do that too!

It did take me some time before i actually put my hands on a man's ass, but i have enjoyed it every time i had the chance.And always i take the time to just sit and admire it for a moment, taking in the beauty of it.

As for my love of rimming.

I wasn't sure about doing that, sticking my tongue there did not really appeal to me. But i wanted to know how it would feel, so one day a man offered his ass and after playing with it for a bit i decided to lick it.

I must say i did get a nasty taste at first but as i went on that changed and i started to really enjoy it. So now i never hesitate to give a long rimming knowing the pleasure i give to a man by doing that

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By JackinKing [Ignore] 11,Jul,24 19:03
Love getting my ass rimmed! The time that gapped was very unexpected and I thought I would right then

By Whiteuncutluver [Ignore] 28,Jun,22 21:49
I bet you are a talented rimmer and talented in bed

By surferharry [Ignore] 21,Apr,22 22:26

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