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By Wantboth [Ignore] 16,May,22 12:58   Pageviews: 74

Has anyone used these? I got a small roll on that attracts women. When I tried it the other day, I thought the mail lady was going to grab my ass cheeks; she was smiling seductively and said she loved my aftershave, didn't have any on. I have a large bottle being delivered today to attract men. I'm going to go shopping tomorrow and see how it does.

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By Wantboth [Ignore] 24,May,22 12:57
Was talking to my urologist this morning, she's hip on enjoying your body.
She told me pheremones work, but the have to be on your skin to last more than about an hour. They interact with your own hormones.

By Wantboth [Ignore] 17,May,22 18:41
Put on my new black micro mini skirt, black lace panties, hid them with jeans, (Stores here don't like men in skirts), put on the pheremone for attracting men and went after a few groceries. The first pat on the butt, I think was unintended, but the next three made eye contact while patting me and said hi. The first one wants to meet later, has issues right now. The second one swapped phone numbers with me, and I'm going to his house Friday morning on his day off. The last one was maybe 22-25, slim. he grinned and said nice butt. We talked for a few minutes with him slipping his hand against my cock. We ended up in my van for a quickie jack each other. Didn't give me his name, But said he's all over town, and it's a small one. He's going to watch for me and have some again.
I definitely think they work.
By #668890 [Ignore] 19,May,22 17:52
sounds like its working. might like to try. what's the pheromones you used and where did you get it?
By Wantboth [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:42
Got them from Amazon
Alpha Male to attract women
Raw Chemistry to attract men
Warning; these lead to loads of fun

By Wantboth [Ignore] 17,May,22 12:03
Got the one to attract men in the mail yesterday; larger bottle, advertised as good for women to attract a man and works good for men who want to attract a man.
Going to the store shortly; will have my black lace panties and orange mini skirt on under my jeans; dab this on the base of my dick, on my boobs and back of jaws; hopefully, I'll get more than a few groceries
By #668890 [Ignore] 19,May,22 17:53
I like the way you think.
By Wantboth [Ignore] 19,May,22 18:41
Come share them with me, I'll share my cock any time you want

By Wantboth [Ignore] 16,May,22 15:19
Well, lady just dropped off a load of groceries, first set of bags, she got close and dropped a bag as soon as she smelled me. Rest of groceries she brought up one bag at a time, rubbing her boobs on my arm as she handed me the bag. The last bag, she patted my ass and said she loved my after shave. Best food I ever carried
By #668890 [Ignore] 19,May,22 17:53
Great reaction(s)

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