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Indian fuckpig webslut Payel - Confession

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By Payel [Ignore] 21,May,22 21:40   Pageviews: 141

My real name is Payel. I am a submissive whore housewife. I am married and 33 years old. My breasts are 36C. My hips are 39 inches. I want to expose myself to the public for use, recognition & humiliation.

I am giving up the rights to my name, my identity, my information & my pics to anyone to own and use in any way that pleases them to humiliate & expose me including posting any or all my pics and information online or in public regardless of what happens to me as a result. I want my real name & reputation ruined in the worst ways with no mercy by complete strangers.

Completely destroy my name and reputation and I will let it happen knowing and being reminded by the complete strangers in most humiliating & degrading ways to me that there is nothing I can do now to stop it. I am just forced to watch as strangers tell me how they are using & ruining my identity.

Anything can be posted about me, my pics altered or captioned, anything that anyone finds amusing, and I will not interfere or deny anything posted about me. Post them in public places (public toilets, truck stops, etc.), advertise me as a whore, online, photoshop them...whatever pleases my new public Masters and Mistresses. Use and caption/alter my pics as you please, write stories about me or in my name. Trash me without limits.

I realize and acknowledge that images and videos posted will become permanently in the public domain, subject to search & discovery on Google for all the world to see, and all completely irreversible and outside my control. I am prepared to be the most outed whore in the history of the world, my whore words and deeds spread globally via the internet to all reaches of the planet; for me to be exposed as a slut to everyone in my town so that walking down the street, going to a store, seeing a movie, ever aspect of my daily life converted into a continuous act of humiliation with no escape or relief.

I Payel, Internet Whore, also seek the ultimate public Internet humiliation in the form of having an account created in my name on every social media site, every dating and adult site, every porn site and every photo sharing site in the world, all done without my control but with my full knowledge.

Use my name/email to register me on any site and I will confirm the registration and give the password up to whoever registers me to use in my name as they wish.

My email address may be used to create these accounts - payel1988ca@gmail.com - I will confirm any sites that accounts are created for me although I may not have any control over them.

Make me know that it is too late to stop all of this and make me accept my new whore life. The knowledge that I am losing more and more control over my name and reputation and that it is in the hands of total strangers makes me to accept the fact that I am just a whore, a piece of meat for the passing amusement of anyone who wishes.

The constant humiliation makes my pussy so wet!

I admit my inferiority to anything with a cock.

I am just a cunt for the entertainment of the public.

I want to be bombarded more and more in my email with degrading, humiliating porn so I can be reminded of what I am.

Make me watch it, look at it, read it.

Use my name, ruin my identity, make up anything about me and post it anywhere and make me read it or add to it to humiliate me!

I am a dumb whore.

I want to be constantly reminded of this by strangers.

I am simply passing entertainment.

Please! Make me never be able to forget that I am a public owned whore and that I can never stop my constant humiliation and shame!

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By smallcockboy [Ignore] 18,Jun,22 17:43
If this is true, why do you not post your face on here?

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 24,May,22 02:28
Not my thing but even though you may not like this. I like your body! It is nice and would be fun to teach it how to please you without humiliation of any kind. Some BDSM maybe but mostly treat you nice. So sorry and good luck finding what you really want here. Lots of sadistic assholes willing to do what you want here!

By #659439 [Ignore] 21,May,22 22:15
Wow… I’m sorry.

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