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By Looki [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 16:07   Pageviews: 59

What do you think about dick rates? I love when someone tell me what they think aboute but, just a number? Is it enough? Wife not, when it starts to get long and "boring"?

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By #677384 [Ignore] 31,Aug,22 03:09
[URL=/uviwx99v59klpic.html][/URLSince you need my opine, I think sexy is mostly non-physical. Some guys with huge cocks just want everyone to worship them, just because of their cock. Other guys who might be a bit small just want anyone to say they have a nice cock. If a guy has to ask for a rating on his cock , then..I say its just a number for another dickpic and no matter what your cock looks like somebody will like it. There is more to a man than just a penis, so get over your insecurity, or ego ok? We post our naked bodies here for many reasons right? If someone asks me how big is it? I say I don't measure it lol. Again, just a number. A woman is not just boobs, pussy, and ass...and men are not just a peenie.Sorry for the rant, but you asked. I started a photo contest for hard cocks in panties and there is some stiff competition hehe. I just wanted to see other guys in panties and I probably not vote for myself.

By metro1000 [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 16:12
Well it is exciting to see someone rate your dick but most people don’t care about that specially women.

A number is not enough. You need to have a list of criteria to compare your to like length, thickness, curve degree, head size, ball size, …etc
By Looki [Ignore] 29,Aug,22 16:15
Some times there's the number a a few words about what u said, but not that much info, now that u said it i wanna see what women think about this

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