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how many people do you chat with?

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By Looki [Ignore] 03,Sep,22 00:08   Pageviews: 71

How many people are on this site ever day? Did u often chat with other members on private? Do u prefer chat room? Maybe you are here just to watch. Tell me

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By sweetater [Ignore] 21,Sep,22 10:39
i chat with at least 5 guys a day

By #668890 [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 16:09
Don't count the number of those I chat with I just let the chats happen. I just like one on one...guess that makes them private.

By #659439 [Ignore] 08,Sep,22 01:03
I like private chat. The open rooms to meet then go private.

By nekekal [Ignore] 03,Sep,22 12:15
I like to chat when I have time. But seldom use chat rooms.
By Looki [Ignore] 03,Sep,22 15:22
By nekekal [Ignore] 03,Sep,22 22:31
almost never. My experience in chat rooms has not been good.
By Looki [Ignore] 06,Sep,22 10:48
Why? What happened?
By nekekal [Ignore] 06,Sep,22 11:05
Mean snobby people with almost nothing to say.

By knewbi [Ignore] 06,Sep,22 10:45
Not here every day but sort of often. I get a lot of chat requests and generally try to answer. Love chatting but the one thing that is a turn off is when they go right into asking what I would do to them if we were together. Not sure why but it just does not work for me like that. I prefer we chat a little and work our way up to something like that, if we even go there.. That is just me... But I do have a number of fun chats here. Oh, and I prefer personal chats instead of chat rooms.

By #677849 [Ignore] 04,Sep,22 18:57
I don't see this really as a chat site - there are other sites better suited. Drop in the chat rooms now and then for 5 minutes, they are usually quiet.

By fila1305 [Ignore] 04,Sep,22 07:29
I only chat occasionally and when I do it's always private chat.

By metro1000 [Ignore] 03,Sep,22 09:35
I chat often in public chat rooms then it moves to private

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