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Another memory from my learning years

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By wmw6cut [Ignore] 07,Sep,22 13:04   Pageviews: 150

I went from dishwasher to assistant manager when I was 16 in 6 months and had started dating a girl that gave me her cherry and I convinced the manager to hire her. They kept us on different shifts at first and finally scheduled us together. When the crew had finished, I let them go one by one till it was just us. We started in the meat cooler making out and hit my office, the corral and we bang like teenagers only can with her sitting on the salad bar as we had sweet, beautiful, innocent sex. 1981 was a good year

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By Wantboth [Ignore] 27,Dec,23 13:23
Way to go; in 81 I was sharing my cock and wife's pussy with random guys that she picked up during the day; if she liked his bulge or wa turned on by him, we had an all night dinner guest

By jizzbits [Ignore] 09,Jul,23 19:28
1981 I was in college trying to manage a relationship with a girl from Germany and with a guy from California. Your absolutely right 1981 was fucking AWESOME 😎

By #677384 [Ignore] 18,May,23 16:21
I couldn't agree more....ohh the good ol days.

By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Sep,22 14:12
Ahhh. For the good old days. I worked for a department store in the storeroom. Used to fuck a girl from sales in the shoe storage area.
By wmw6cut [Ignore] 07,Sep,22 14:57
Nice...were u ever caught
By nekekal [Ignore] 07,Sep,22 15:42
No. We worked the night shift. Just the occasional fuck.

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