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Do u answer everything?

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By Looki [Ignore] 09,Sep,22 14:53   Pageviews: 65

Now that i know that y'all prefer private chat over rooms i want to know, do u answer ever single one?

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By sweetater [Ignore] 21,Sep,22 10:36
i answer everyone

By Makxx [Ignore] 14,Sep,22 03:44
yes, but there are so many on here that do not. And do not believe what they say about being too busy. How long does it take to type "sorry, I'm busy" !?

By knewbi [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 10:43
As many as I can. Sometimes I am already chatting so it is difficult to respond. Also, sometimes a chat request cums when I am of line. I try to at least respond and apologize for not answering. Then again, some I just do not respond to for some reason.
By Looki [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 10:54
What makes you don't want to respond?
By knewbi [Ignore] 13,Sep,22 14:15
Well, repeat contacts where I did not like a previous chat. Basically, a chat where right as we start they go right to, "what would you like to do to me?" Or thereabouts. I love good dirty nasty chats but a little more imagination is needed. So when I see them requesting a chat I feel it is best to ignore it. If I were to tell them I did not want to chat I might upset them and I do not need to be doing that.

By #677384 [Ignore] 12,Sep,22 23:12
I do always when im to private chat...hmu bro

By pifad [Ignore] 10,Sep,22 01:59

By nekekal [Ignore] 09,Sep,22 17:39
Yes. Eventually.

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