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Being seen naked by partners daughters

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By saucyman [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 21:57   Pageviews: 148

So my new girlfriend has 2 daughters who live with her, one is 20 and the other who is only there when uni allows is 23. The one who lives there is nice and I can't imagine that she enjoys the noise from the bedroom when I stay lol. The thing is it is a small house and I have been having thoughts where I get caught naked by them 'accidentally' if you catch my meaning.. am I just a wrong un for thinking about that or not?

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By Wantboth [Ignore] 15,Jul,23 11:51
If they want to have sex with you, nothing at all wrong with it; enjoy it fully and completely satisfy their desires

By shaver000 [Ignore] 18,May,23 13:48
Go for it if you get the chance
By saucyman [Ignore] 18,May,23 14:12
Her oldest daughter actually caught me naked last Friday night!

By knewbi [Ignore] 03,Jan,23 12:50
It's obvious that you want to. If it is worth risking the relationship go for it... Unless the partner is extra special I know that I would be all over them. But, you know that THEY must be willing or it is just a wasted adventure.

By willy11 [Ignore] 23,Dec,22 11:10
I say go for it, then tell about it

By #662360 [Ignore] 23,Dec,22 03:22
At the same time you could work on seeing them nude. A 20 and a 23 year old sound just right!

By Robben [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 22:11
Its of course erotic and excitning. Whats in their minds is not easy to say but whats in your mind is easy to say You will find out by time I guess

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 22:05
Hay at least they will know what all the noise is about .

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