It has the same effect as coke or meth as far as making you lust after a cock and enjoy it more. Very pleasurable. I don't recommend any kind of drug. Including alcohol but they do seem to make sex better. Poppers or drugs make the difference between sucking dick and worshipping a dick. But I don't recommend anything addictive or unhealthy
I've tried it sometimes... Usually when I play with some toys and stretching my asshole. It was a very good experience... Not addictive. I only like to use them when I need a little bit of help to take a big bottle in my ass
I have quite a few bottles lol.....i find them at the gloryhole arcade or friends give me some, but I personally dont use them much, sometimes I fancy just a few 'wiffs', but not a heavy 'huffer' like some guys! I just think some over do it, unless they are careful to know their limits. I just havent ventured too far in using the stuff, to know the effects, but I get a bit dizzy, light headed if I take a good wiff, - you have to be careful too not to mix poppers too much with viagra or it can be dangerous with the drop of blood pressure, etc. - anyways, just my 2 cents I know bottoms like to use to relax their ass muscles while they are getting fucked, so in that case I dont mind when I top them
It relaxes the blood vessels and fills them with more blood everywhere! Talk about a rush! Be careful first using as it can drop BP at first! Makes everything more intense. Love using them with ass stretching plugs. Relaxes your ass and entry is so much easier
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