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To old!

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By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 09,Mar,23 13:18   Pageviews: 62

Today I bumped in to an old friend who happened to have his mother with him.
We ended up all having a café meal together and never having met Margert found out she was 73 & had been on her own since my mates father passed away 3 years ago.
During the conversation she said about "the dirty men" at the social club she visits who try chatting her up. I asked what was wrong with that, and she replied she was "far too old for that kind of thing".
Well not one to be shy in talking about such things, I asked why she was to old? Margret's reply was simply, "well I am", so I asked her again, you could see her thinking.
I chirped in and pointed out, there was no age limit for having a little (being a little diplomatic) "unclothed fun", she laughed, paused and said, "do you know, your absolutely right"
Society has a lot to answer for when it comes to sex.
There is nothing wrong with sex of any kind as long as your consenting adults.
Society can go and . . .

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By onthelose [Ignore] 15,Mar,23 15:09
Yes some think it’s their purpose in life to tell you how to behave. It’s usually not positive when it comes to sex.
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 15,Mar,23 15:50
it's the society we live in.

By #628350 [Ignore] 09,Mar,23 15:47
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 15,Mar,23 15:49
my thoughts too

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