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New Probe day

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By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 14:08   Pageviews: 40

Well it was new probe day today, finished production of a full Stainless steel version, this time 5mm longer and the top part designed to be held in tighter.
The centre section now oval rather than round, 11x12 OD as compared to the 11mm OD of the last one.
Reason was I want to push out the pee hole & when I whet up from 10 to 11, it was quite a stretch & I didn't thing 11 to 12 was going to be as easy, as it turns out, it slipped straight in with out even thinking about it!
Photos awaiting approval;

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By pifad [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 21:01
Looks fantastic!
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 22:15
Thanks but its nothing fantastic and only took about 3 hours to machine.
By pifad [Ignore] 12,Mar,23 11:20
Oh, ok

By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 12,Mar,23 03:24
UPDATE, yep I can still piss with it in, a lot more back pressure but it's getting by, so I made it too small

By oldfartwatching [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 14:36
Hot and look looking probs
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 14:39
Thanks old fart

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