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What nudity means for me

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By neednopants [Ignore] 17,Apr,23 12:34   Pageviews: 61

As I wrote in my Blog How it began …, in my parents house love and sexuality and nudity were taboos. I was lucky (or not) tob e left alone at home most oft he time. So some day I found out that I felt fine without clothes … getting older, I spent most of my time nude in the house and in the garden, alone at first, later with a friend …

Our courage grew from day to day. Sometimes I took a nude night walk in the village, my friend and I spent hours and days in nature nude – at the lake, in the woods … feeling good without clothing has never gone. So today as an old man the first thing when I come home is strip everything. I am nude in the house and in the garden, doing most oft he work without anything. Even cleaning the floor is much more funny when I do it nude.
I spent most of my holidays at nude beaches, I found out that there are some nude hiking trails in Germany and many more in other countries, and the best thing I did was buying a house on the isle of Mallorca. It is a small house with a huge garden, after a walk of about one kilometer I reach a small private beach. When I am there, I need no pants, no shoes, no nothing all the time.

What does nudity mean? At first: freedom. I feel free without all that things that we do not need. We are getting born nude. Nudity does not mean sexuality. When I see nude boys and girls, women and men at a public beach I do not think about having sex. Nudity is natural. And it means equality. We are all the same when we do not wear a uniform. No Adidas, no Hugo Boss, no Versace. When You are nude, You show yourself right the way You are.

And when You are nude, You FEEL different: You feel the sun, the wind, the water … your bare feet feel the ground You walk on … You get part of he world, you are not just a guest. Even when I am clothed because I have to in my all day life in Germany, I try to walk with bare feet as much as possible. It is part of my morning excercise: a walk of about half an hour round the house without shoes, not matter what the weather conditions are: heat or rain, snow or storm … it ist he perfect starter fort he day. Even more perfect: Sumertime, it is warm in the morning, coffee is ready and I sit down in the garden nude for having breakfast. It’s a wonderful life.

What do You think?

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By Mynakedcock [Ignore] 23,Apr,23 18:25
Here here. Nudity should not be frowned upon when done in a none sexual way, as you said we are born naked.
I have always gone naked even in my childhood years, at home at sleepovers at the beach anywhere I could.

By cockforcock [Ignore] 17,Apr,23 23:59
i totally agrre with you. why should one wear anything apart from staying warm. underwear for me a taboo. don't wear or own any. super post. thanks

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