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By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 04:32   Pageviews: 40

An affair if you can call it that but we all have our own interpretation of what this is.
But having a loving wife at home, but not getting sexually fulfilled, has (after years) meant I have decided to find someone to play with.
I have recently found that girl, and she is a very nice person & sympathetic to my situation.
thing is, I get bouts of guilt & I know if I am found out how much hurt it would cause.
a bit of exhibitionism on here & a lot of flirting is one thing, but doing it is another.
It really is a head fuck.
just venting, really so dont think your expected to reply.

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By oldgray69 [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 15:01
There are a lot of ways to keep yourself amused. Been years of no sex other than myself. Would not consider being with another woman. I quit all outside activities, to much to loose. Find satisfaction with myself
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:18
I have and it's been years.
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:28
You are both very good men. I’m sorry that life has made you make such decisions but we are only human remember that
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:29
we are . . . well sometimes
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:32
Always darlin there are needs that are meant to be dealt with at some point I think that you have to fulfill them as a human and you are trying your best to preserve your lovely wife’s feelings and that’s manly of you. We all have our unique situations none of us know yours in full my heart goes out to you
By oldgray69 [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 10:52
Thank you. That does not say, that temptation is always there. I say, do I have the time and do I want to pay the dime. Most of the time it is to much of a hassle to get involved.
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 10:56
I hear you loud and clear

By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 18,Apr,23 14:17
I’m sorry you’re going through that. Can’t be easy. Just sending some words of encouragement my friend hang in there. ❤️❤️❤️
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:19
Thanks AGFB, thanks for your words
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:26
Anytime honey you ever need an ear I have 2 of them 😏❤️❤️❤️❤️
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:27
on each side of your head I hope lol.
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:29
Last I checked …. Yes
By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:31
well I'm sure they are perfectly placed
Ok Im off it's been a l o n g day
By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 20,Apr,23 16:39
Ok well you have a great evening sweetie remember I have to perfectly placed ears and I listen very well

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