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Not again ! R.I.P

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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 00:50   Pageviews: 47

In the last 30 days, I have lost my son, my cat, and now my dad. You have been hanging around my life working over time taking all the my loved ones away from me. Grim Reaper I pray that your done hanging around me, and take few years off.

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 11:33
That sucks. In April 2011 I lost my grandmother the first week, an uncle 10 days later and another uncle the last week. The uncle's were brothers of my father and sons of the grandmother. In May 2011 a cousin died, she was a daughter of the only surviving uncle and son of my grandmother. Also during that year we lost 2 loved dogs and also 2 cats. It was hard but we got through it and you will too. I will pray for God to relieve you of all the pain.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 13:13
My moms not far behind dad. They were together for 60 years. Jesus Lord.
By wycowboy [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 11:56
My dad died July 27, 2010, 3 weeks shy of their 50th and my mom almost 9 years later. I miss both of them terribly.

By #692771 [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 01:04
Awww 😢
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 06:03
thanks it helps.

By #691289 [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 01:10
So sorry to hear.
By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 21,Apr,23 06:01
Thank you. Its been ruff. I got to say goodbye to my dad, I didn't get that chance with my kid and cat.

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