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My summer experience

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By rich1216 [Ignore] 11,May,23 02:27   Pageviews: 83

The first summer I spent at my dad's in California I met a cousin of mine and the second day we were hanging out going through pic on the computer and I didn't notice it at first but my cousin did but it was a guy in a white dress tucking it and about to take a cock which made him bring up that subject he ended up spending the whole summer at the house with me swapping head all summer and one night in a tent in the back yard he tried to fuck me but we were both to inexperienced and he couldn't get it in but we suck a lot of each other cock and one night in the backseat in the van on a trip we were sharing a blanket and I was stroking him under the blanket

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By oldgray69 [Ignore] 11,May,23 12:58
cousins are a lot of guys first experience. Had fun with mine. sister and brother, did them both

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