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SYD rant

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By doodatt [Ignore] 03,Jun,23 05:58   Pageviews: 89

Please excuse me if l don’t comment on your profiles. I do try but l keep being asked if l am spamming ffs There would be alot more interaction between people if this bloody message didn’t keep appearing. That’s why l spend alot more time on Reddit now.

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By doodatt [Ignore] 07,Oct,23 06:02
I’ve given up trying to compliment guys here. I’ve switched to using Reddit where interactions are so much easier. I’m Daftoldfart if you use Reddit.

By rehdeee4u [Ignore] 11,Jun,23 04:40
keep being your sweetass!

By #610414 [Ignore] 03,Jun,23 23:34
I use my private emoji and it works

By PoloFields [Ignore] 03,Jun,23 16:32
I've run into the same problem at times too. Really inhibits interaction with other members.

By mr_blue [Ignore] 03,Jun,23 13:31
yeah,admin stopped the emoticons/emojis being used,so now no one can say thanks without it becoming a spam message..
So no one has messages on their walls anymore...
Admin ,sort this out mate

By t-rex [Ignore] 03,Jun,23 09:04
I feel your pain,, I keep trying to reword it and sometimes it takes it. Surely there is an easier way, I’m sure some knowledgeable person will help us 😃

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