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We found something

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By Sitizurmaini [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 09:14   Pageviews: 93

Some time last week, my husband and I were helping to clear out his late uncle's attic when my husband found an old floppy disk labeled "Pamela Shoot". Curious as Pamela was the name of his aunt, he extracted the contents of the floppy disk and lo and behold it contained porn pictures of his aunt during the late 90's.She would have been in her 20's then.She is in her 50's now.He has this crazy idea of blackmailing her for sex.

Found porn pic of husband's aunt

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By #695853 [Ignore] 01,Aug,23 16:07
I think that would be a pretty low thing to do, blackmailing her for sex, or for any other reason.

Plus, you deserve better than that yourself.

By joergh [Ignore] 12,Jul,23 05:26
Blackmailing ist dump shit. Tell her about your finding ant Talk to her. She will maybe tell her great Stories of this Time. Maybe she will remeber it an renew it.

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 04,Jul,23 14:47
Why embarrass her! Just tell her you guys found this and ask if she is still interested in doing some of those things for lots of fun now days. you might be surprised! Be nice and if she says no then just enjoy looking at the pix for a bit and give the disk back to her because you are nice people I hope!!!

By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 19:43
wups someone let one get away.

By liqnlap [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 15:30
What a lucky find. Maybe she will like being on this site, too. Your husband can take new photos of her. If you have a threesome, post photos and videos from that, too.

By Bonedawgie [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 12:54
lets see her now..
By Sitizurmaini [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 15:10
I don't have any pictures of her, but trust me when I say she is still able to turn heads at her age.

By #628350 [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 14:16
Wow she looks hot.

By Omega6926 [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 09:20
You and you're husband with her should have a threesome record it and upload it here
By Sitizurmaini [Ignore] 03,Jul,23 09:25
I'm going to leave it to him to initiate/explore the possibility of it.

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