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Cum Eating

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By masterbater [Ignore] 24,Jul,23 20:23   Pageviews: 78

I want to know where others stand on eating cum. Would you eat your own, or some body elses? And do you like it? Same sex or opposite sex?
I have eaten my own a few times, I loved the hell out of it when I did it but for some reason I cannot bring myself to continue to do it. I have never eaten cum from anyone else but I want to try eating another guys cum.

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By #668890 [Ignore] 03,Oct,23 16:14
love eating my own CUM and swallowing other guys CUM too.

By JohnRay1122 [Ignore] 08,Sep,23 06:02
If you have never tasted your own, I highly recommend it. I love eating my cum but I prefer someone elses.

By knewbi [Ignore] 01,Aug,23 16:06
I will eat cum anywhere I can get it. Period!! Whether it is direct from a cock or dripping out of a pussy or ass.

By HairyHank [Ignore] 24,Jul,23 21:15
Enjoy eating my pre… rub the cum all over belly and chest
By eichel [Ignore] 29,Jul,23 04:31
Just like me

By HornySyd [Ignore] 26,Jul,23 20:27
Another dude's cum is great! Everyone should try it. But my favorite taste is pre-cum.

By #698715 [Ignore] 25,Jul,23 17:13

I wish that you lived near me in L.A, so that you could drive to me and offer eating mine daily and repeating for hours. I have many selfies of me taken over weeks and months of me shooting selfies of myself. I'm

By oldgray69 [Ignore] 25,Jul,23 15:08
i have tried my own a few times but enjoy other people better.

By JustWondring [Ignore] 25,Jul,23 06:34
I always cum into my palm, then lick it all up. I love it, but wish I could taste someone else's. Maybe as it leaks out of my wife's cunt ...

By #628350 [Ignore] 25,Jul,23 03:52
I've tried my own but didn't like the texture, I wouldn't take anyone else's in my mouth but I do like to suck and stroke a gu to orgasm.

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