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The Scent of a Man

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By JackinKing [Ignore] 06,Aug,23 10:25   Pageviews: 104

I find the natural scents of a man very appealing. I’m not talking unwashed for days stench, but the natural musky scent of men. Some men like poppers to get off on but give me a dark hairy musky pit and I go fucking crazy. I also love a musky cock and balls. Just really turns me on. I just want more and more. My face in a hairy delicious smelling pit at the moment of orgasm is just so awesome I cum all the harder! Every once in a while I can even catch a wiff of a good smelling man out in public. Never fails to wake up my cock. Is it just me? What do you guys think?

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By mikeinaz [Ignore] 02,Nov,23 18:47
YES! I feel the same as you guys about natural man-scent.
I particularly react to the somewhat cedar-y scent that dark-haired mediterranean types exude. It gets me HARD!
By JackinKing [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 09:41
Sounds intoxicating

By johnwish [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 09:03
Sounds hot to me.Love the natural smell of a man.
By JackinKing [Ignore] 14,Jan,24 09:40

By knottingham [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 00:44
the musky sent stuck in you nose and the taste of it ass it stays with you for hours after sucking and slurping cock and balls ,rubbing them both all over your face love sucking in that sweet musk ok im getting myself really worked up
By JackinKing [Ignore] 02,Oct,23 01:23

By JohnRay1122 [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 11:50
I'm with you on this. Not a funky days old stink but a fresh sweat and maybe a hint of precum scent in his crotch, I'm oozing myself just thinking about it. I do notice it in public, also. Home Depot is better than porn or a strip club.
By JackinKing [Ignore] 09,Sep,23 14:17
Hahaha Home Depot, I’m there at least once a week. I better slow down and start paying better attention

By german_guy [Ignore] 09,Aug,23 13:39
I know what u mean and feel the same
By JackinKing [Ignore] 09,Aug,23 14:41

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