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No time for me

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By se-kent-uk [Ignore] 21,Aug,23 02:08   Pageviews: 43

so much going on atm, so only getting a moment to drop in every now and then, loosing any time for me.
It just seems everyone want's my help, don't get me wrong I love helping people but sometimes I loose my self.
well if you read my blogs part of me has been missing for quite some time now & I'm starting to think it might never return.
so helping others with what they need seems to be all I can do, I'm not talking sexually, just in every day things lol, now that would be ironic!
(I'm starting to repeat my self now).
Just sounding off, ignore me please & when I get a wee bit more time to my self I will be able to share some decent words with some of you lovely people.
Toodle pip

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By RoseInBloom [Ignore] 21,Aug,23 22:58

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