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Penis piercings

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By 4playking [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 10:15   Pageviews: 34

What do women think about penis piercings

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By sherryann [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 14:20
Wouldn't that hurt you?
By 4playking [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 14:22
It would for a few minutes but like any other piercings after the initial piercing the pain is over
By sherryann [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 14:25
Oh ok. Well I see no point to it
By 4playking [Ignore] 07,Apr,24 14:45
Some people don't. It was just a thought anyways

By 4playking [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 15:38
I'm thinking about getting a frenum

By german_guy [Ignore] 10,Nov,23 15:24
my wife loves it

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