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Introvert With Confidence?

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By Creativewriter4776 [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 00:59   Pageviews: 74

I am an introvert, but I am confident. I get told by people who don't even know me write 'There is no way you are an introvert when you show off your body.' They couldn't be more wrong.
I am not outgoing, unless I'm comfortable, and that takes awhile. I enjoy my alone time. I prefer staying at home, instead of going out. I hate talking on the phone, unless I have to, which will be at work. There are times I don't mind chatting online, and then there are times when I don't feel like it, and shut down.
As for confidence, yes I have it. I'm going to be 48 this year , so I think I have earned that right. I just know I am happy being a confident introvert.

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By WristThick [Ignore] 24,Jan,24 06:24
You are definitely sexually confident!

By nekekal [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 14:28
We are similar. I am a phone phobe. I deal best alone. Or quietly walking in the woods with someone but not talking. I can do this message thing ok.

By Kikifriday [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 04:08
Everyone is different, nobody knows what works for you better than you!

By woody4647 [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 01:37
I am glad you feel confident enough to post some beautiful pictures! I really enjoy looking at you lovely tits and sexy smile!

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