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Vein structure in my uncut cock!

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By CBSLEEGY [Ignore] 22,Jan,24 07:50   Pageviews: 70

So since you all found my last blog interesting, I decided to explain about the veins in the back of my helmet when the skin is fully retracted!

The first thing you will notice is the W shape between the 2 vertical veins on the left and on the right (looking more purple). The vein on the left is more of a developed vein which I stimulated using my penis stretcher and the one on the right is a natural one from birth and can be named how you like!

Both of these veins have contributed to the shaping of my glands which you can see has been helped, by having a strong frenulum with sensitive nerves surrounding it.

I would like to note at this point that the texture on my helmet is naturally this way! When I was a child I pulled my skin back off my cock in the bath tub and my little purple helmet popped out of the foreskin! This meant I could avoid getting cut to keep the penis clean!

Anyway as a result of the new vein on the left being simulated I also developed a cluster of veins below it. You will also see the veins embedded deep inside my cock from the root. In this photo I count about 5 or 6 thick blue veins inside so let me know if you see them!

I never really cried when pulling back the first time but my penis has developed really well in shape and size, I hope you will be able to see and form a connection with it and I’m always down for being sucked anytime, so do hit me up!

I will leave you with another side shot of the frenulum which you might understand better than me, you will see there is a little raised bit which got cut years ago when a girl gave me a blowjob and jerked it too hard but it’s healed nicely and works as a good texture!

For anymore questions do feel free to PM me and don’t hesitate to share all my content, love you all x

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By #658979 [Ignore] 14,Apr,24 05:54
I love your veins, they are a delight to see, the frenulum is a wonder to behold, licking it is a sure way to get your partner squirming with pleasure,
A really nice technical display, unfortunately I'm a bit of slut and it I had the chance I'd probably want to slip your lovelynorgan into my mouth

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