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car jacking being watched

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By oldgray69 [Ignore] 28,Feb,24 17:29   Pageviews: 72

Back when I lived and worked in SoCal. I would have a long drive home on the freeway. In and around 1977 I decided I did not want any more kids so I had a vasectomy. In order to have an accurate sperm count, you had to jack off 15 or more times to clear the pipes.
My wife at the time wanted to watch. For some reason I had very deep and great orgasams. I liked being watched. Stroking in front of the wife was a total turn on. On to a new fetish
My drive from work took about 45 min. I would get in my car and unzip and arrange my cock so it was outside my underwear and easy to reach with my hand. I loved bumper to bumper traffic. I would stick my hand in my pants an rub my cock.
One day I noticed a van next to me. The seemed to be keeping pace with my cars movements. This turned me on. I pulled my cock out and slowly stroked it. It exploded with one of the best orgasms I have ever felt. In the van nexto me was a guy who honked his horn and gave me a thumbs up, then drove on.
I guess this is what I needed. From then on, I would do the same thing hoping to find some interest in me stroking my cock. Sometimes I did. Someone I know got busted for exposing himself. It played hell with his family and his job.
I had a high paying job. and did no want to get busted for exposure, lewd or indecent exposure. so after a few years I quit. I was fun while it lasted. It still gets me hard just thinking about it.

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